Challenge Update: Don’t forget there is a meeting on Tuesday at 7:30pm if you have any questions or concerns about the challenge. Your weekly scoresheets are on the front desk, if you don’t already have them. There are spots for Sleep, Hydration, Meditation/Reflection, Exercise and the Physical Challenge. You sleep should be somewhere between 7-8...Read More
Chris and I discussed doing an EPIC workout on Saturday – but I don’t think I will have time. So, next week, on Saturday, we will start at 9am – 100 Rounds of 1 HSPU, 2 Squat Clean, 3 Burpees. It took us nearly 2 hours last time, so a little planning (and warning) is...Read More
We’re going to keep the rowing workouts going, this time with 5 Thrusters at the top of each minute. Scale smartly. Check out this podcast from Freakonomics on the “War on Sugar?” Workout of the Day Strength/Skill Deadlift Max Reps (10+) set at 70% of 1RM Conditioning...Read More
** This is a great post if you are looking to join the challenge and need some clean eating! Worksheets are on the front desk! Challenge starts Sunday. There is two days a week that I usually consider having Mexican Food. Taco Tuesday (but I don’t even care too much for tacos… please don’t judge...Read More
I hope you have started thinking about what foods my be keeping you down. If you are mind-boggled, check out the list below of items that are most common. You can choose 6 items from this list to remove from your daily life. List them in order from easiest to remove to hardest to remove....Read More
I am not stressed about being 40. I realize this is going to sound like I am, but I am not. I am actually really excited. I don’t feel old, adultish or the like. I might not make millions, but I am pretty proud of the successes I have under my belt. I don’t feel...Read More
Alison and I have cooked up a very simple nutrition challenge that will start next week. It will be very simple – but reflect on things you can do without in your daily and weekly nutrition. For example – you love to eat a big bag of Doritos every night. So, you will try to...Read More
You have an option in the WOD. See ya’ in the AM! You can do either A: 10 RFT 12 Pullups 12 Burpees OR B: 30 RFT 5 Burpees 1 Muscle Up At 10am we will snatch.Read More
For the last few weeks, we have been doing some 2,000 meter rows with extra fun thrown in at the top of the minute. This week, we will try wall ball shots. First, move your rowers so you are close – transitions will mean a lot here. Second, recommend 3 options for the amount of...Read More
I’m gonna attempt to write something, without sounding too ‘preachy’. I will say outright that I do not know EVERYTHING about nutrition, exercise and health. But there is one fundamental fact that I have finally attained after many years of chasing that provides the basis for my journey of progressive health, and that fact is...Read More