The ropes will be down tomorrow, so come prepared. Long pants, knee socks, shin guards or whatever fashionable items you have to protect the sweet skin on your ankles. We have some vet wrap if you forget, but show us your leg wear! Oh yeah…Thruster ladder for fun post climbing sesh. See ya in the...Read More
Did you miss us last Saturday? This weekend is the regularly scheduled show. Come on in, bring a friend if you want to share the fun times of Saturday mornings at CrossFit Oakdale – we would LOVE to meet them! Workout of the Day Strength Deadlift – 2 second pause below the knee 3...Read More
I saw sweet idea for a Thruster ladder from CrossFit Merced on the ‘gram the other day. Here’s what I want to do Saturday – rope climbs and Thruster ladder. To practice rope climbs, please dress for it. Wear socks, leggings, tights, sweats or anything that will keep the skin on your legs covered. Workout...Read More
I am a nerd for sleep. This podcast hits on meditation, melatonin, good sleep hygiene and other ways to maximize your rest time. Unfortunately, if you aren’t getting enough sleep, it can increase health problems in the present and the future. One of the big points for me was the use of sleep as a...Read More
We called out to you last week to help us gather items for those in Sonoma affected by the fires and you responded! Thanks to all who donated items – new and used – that will help out. ` On November 4th, we will be having a Fall Fest Fundraiser for Breast Cancer. There will...Read More
A good group of CFO’ers got to hang out with Charles Shipman. “Uncle Charles” brought a ton of knowledge, experience and deep thoughts on weightlifting. Scattered around the knowledge bombs, June, Lizzie (Canadian) and Sarah all PR’ed on their Snatch and Sarah also PR’ed her Clean and Jerk. This is week 6 of 8 for...Read More
Tomorrow we will be having our weightlifting seminar. There are a few more spots left – you can show up at the door. It is $125 for the day. There will be a 1 hour lunch break. If you don’t want to go out, there will be a Tritip plate for $10. No regular classes...Read More
Please share to EVERYONE you think can help out! Micayla and Dustin are back in town…opting to come to the Valley for some fresh air. They are returning this weekend and I thought they shouldn’t go back empty handed:) Let’s load them up with some supplies to bring back to those affected by the fires....Read More
The air quality on Wednesday was really bad in the morning. If the conditions are similar tomorrow, we will turn this WOD into a work/rest EMOM. We want your training to exercise your lungs, but not make you feel like you smoked 2 packs of Lucky Strikes. For the Squat club, spend 90 seconds in...Read More
Workout of the Day Strength Shoulder Press 10@55% 10@60% 7@65% 7@70% 3@75% 3@80% Conditioning AMRAP 15 Parking Lot Run 6 DB Snatch 50/35 6 PushPress Same arm Switch Arms 6 DB Snatch 50/35 6 PushPress Same Arm Read More