I am psyched about this workout – we lift heavy ALL of the time and we practice handstand walks ALL of the time. If you think you can do the set of 21 unbroken, break them into smaller sets, like 7’s. That 315/2015 bar is going to be heavy. If you think you are going...Read More
18.4 will be announced at 5pm tomorrow. No travel this week – just good ole fun with out theme: Drunken Patriots! Workout of the Day AMRAP 25 30 Doubleunders 20/15 Calorie Row 10 Burpees Read More
We are over the middle hump of the Open. We are starting to whittle down the movements we can reasonably expect to see: HSPU, C2B, Thrusters, Snatch, Box Jump. Alison is thinking we see pistols this year – because in the hint – the egg is balancing. She was right last week: The hint had...Read More
After doing CrossFit for more than a year, Canadian Lizzie got her first pull-up!! Austin got his first muscle up, and continued to get more today. American Lizzy did the most pull-ups she has ever done in a workout and Wendy & Jill were inches away! The Open puts you in a position to try,...Read More
Tomorrow is the last day of Sh%t That Don’t Fit. Tuesday starts Drunken Patriots. I look forward to your creativity! Hand stand pushups are coming – says Brian. He is a betting man. This weekend was full of events! SOS Fun Run in Oakdale June came is 1st in the 60-69 age group –...Read More
18.3 is here and Amie said it was a ton of fun. I believe her. If muscle ups are not your jam, but you can double under and overhead squat the RX weight, you should do that. Once you get to the muscle ups, your open time will be over, but you can continue with...Read More
18.3 is coming up – have you made your guess for the workout? Individual TOTAL Points Alex 25 Alison 31 Amanda 18 Amber 12 Amie 30 Austin 15 Blake 25 Bob 29 Brad B 10 Brad C 9 Brian 70 Brock 40 Brooke 32 Bryce 20 Cameron 9 Chance 21 Chelsie 31 Christine 10 Denny...Read More
If you haven’t brought in donations for the food bank, please bring in some! Non perishable – canned foods are what they give out the most. Please share with our community! Workout of the Day Strength/Skill Back Squat 5 x 3 @ 75% Conditioning AMRAP 18 400mRun 30 Kettlebell Swings 53/35 Read More
Friday night we will be leaving CrossFit Oakdale around 4:30pm. There will be no afternoon classes. Come up to Sonora, compete, support and party! If you are competing, please register online HERE. In the past we have gone out to dinner after, so please let Alison know if you can make it so we can...Read More
Next week’s theme is “Sh%t that DON’T Fit.” Big or small, wear it all. We want to see what you come up with. Workout of the Day Gymnastics OTM 7 20s Handstand Work, 40s rest Instead of walking, use this time to work on your Handstand Pushups. If you are great at kipping, work on...Read More