
We will absolutely still be having our 9am CrossFit Class tomorrow, but will be adding on an extra WOD in the PARK! Because that’s all LEGAL and STUFF. BUT we will be keep social distancing a priority, and you will have to bring your own equipment and only share with the people in your household. More info on the Crossfit Oakdale Strong Facebook Group. I will be re-doing the DU/Burpee workout. And so will you! And the third workout. I recommend you flip them – do #3, rest 10 minutes and do #2. This will be a monster mash – and it will hurt. But that’s good for us! Tomorrow’s Schedule ROMWOD 8:30am Click Here to Join CrossFit 9am Click Here to Join WOOHOO! Brad C! Workout of the Day #supportyourlocalbox #3 For time:• 50 dumbbell deadlifts• 50 AbMat sit-ups• 50 box step-ups• 50 single-arm dumbbell thrusters ♂ 50-lb. DBs,...
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Thursday will be a pull-up-centric named workout, “Nicole.” The workout is named after one of the original Nasty Girls and current Director of Training, Nicole Carroll. It’s a weird one – do you want more rounds or bigger sets, which will lead to less rounds? The answer, like all good things, is – it depends. Are you good at pullups? I would try to either go as big as possible or pick a big number for you – 10, 15, 20…more…and do them unbroken. Do you have a smaller number? If you have 5 or less, you will likely spend a great deal of the workout running. Either is ok. Ideally you will do both – big sets and run fast. If you are doing huge, PR type sets, you will likely be running slowly, moving the blood out of your arms. For this workout and this week, I would...
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Tomorrow night we will have an EPIC Game night. Kids only from 7:30pm-8pm. Adults will be from 8:00 pm on. We will be playing Quiplash. You will need access to the internet in order to play. Tomorrow’s Schedule ROMWOD 8:30am Click Here to Join CrossFit 9AM Click Here to Join GAME NIGHT 7:30pm Click Here to Join FYI – I am going to re-do the Support You Local Box workout #2 on Friday at 9am on Facebook. YOU are going to re-do workout 1 tomorrow. Think about how you did it. Did you break pushups? How? Could you go unbroken more? Did you go out too hot? Too slow? Your memory should be pretty fresh, and we’ve don a ton of pushups and squats since two weeks ago. Let’s find out!!! Workout of the Day Strength Every minute on the minute for 10 Minutes perform 5 Heavy squats –Back, Front,...
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I’m not sure you folks have been paying attention, but I really tried to not program burpees since this whole world wide pandemic hit. I mean, life is hard enough without having to fall down and get up again. We did them with the second workout from the CrossFit online competition, but it ain’t me, babe. Plus, burpees are basically the easiest thing to program. Do a bunch, and guess what? The workout is hard. Well, tomorrow, burpees. My front yard is about 10 yards. I bet you can find 10 yards of grass, or driveway, or parking lot, or alley, even a hallway. Find 10 yards. But an object 5 yards out. There’s your track. Run 5 yards and touch the line. Run back to to the start and touch the line. Run to the 10 and touch the line and back to the start. Finally, back to the...
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Brian and Tim geeked out on last week. Brian went deep on 2007 because Tim is redoing much of the programming. He has pulled a few gems that he wants to share with you. Would anyone be interested in a video type thingy where we discuss a series of workouts from 2007? A little time machine go back to then? Tomorrow’s Schedule ROMWOD 8:30am Click Here to join CrossFit 9 am Click Here to join Guess who?? Let me tell you! It’s Brooke with a 160# Squat Clean PR!! Workout of the Day “Fully Loaded” 5RFT 21 Power Cleans 95/65 12 Handstand Pushups “Half Cocked” 10RFT 21 Kettlebell Swings 50/35 12 Hand Release Pushups “Empty Chamber” 10RFT 21 Heavy Pulls 12 Hand Release Pushups
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