
Nick and Jen attended the CrossFit Level 1 certification this weekend.  Here are Nick’s thoughts on the weekend.   This past weekend Jen and I attended the CrossFit Level 1 Course at NorCal CrossFit in San Jose. I was reluctant to sign up as I did not believe I would learn much. Though my CrossFit experience is not substantial, this site I had the mindset that I pretty much knew everything about the fundamentals of CrossFit. I have competed in several competitions, website including regionals, case and done well. How could I not understand the basics on which CrossFit was founded on? Turns out I was wrong, way wrong! The course presented some of the very fundamental principles of CrossFit that many of us, myself included, have brushed over in pursuit of fast times and big numbers.  Technique does not have to suffer at the hand of intensity.  We get...
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9am is a Free Bring a Friend WOD. We will practice hand stands.  The WOD will incorporate Deadlifts, # buy air squats and pressing. 10am Clean and Jerk Practice WOD 5 RFT 7 Deadlift 275/185 30 Squats 7 Handstand Pushups
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Every Thursday I have the benefit of teaching 90 4th graders PE. These kids don’t know a ton about CrossFit, medical have minimal equipment, and come in a variety of shapes and sizes. The teachers themselves are in charge of PE, PE teachers it seems are not necessary in the elementary school world. Last year I noticed teachers lining kids up, prison yard style to run through rotations with a pushup and possibly a run thrown in. It was great that kids were moving, out from behind their desks, getting some fresh air, but there was a gigantic gap in what I remember PE being and what  passes for it now. It should be fun. Who wants to do something that is boring or miserable. There is no continuity there. Fast forward a few hours to the CrossFit Oakdale Kids class. Their WOD was 30 second on 30 seconds off...
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Fitness is…Uncomfortable by Blair Morrison. Save the Tens.  We have a lot of 10s.  People like to use them, price but they break easy.  Please watch the video, pharm and please, save the tens! And, after an ironic post How To Live Without Irony Justin pulling 440# for 5 on Deadlift Wednesday Workout of the Day AMRAP 20 5 Chest to Bar Pullups 10 Push Jerk 115/75 15 Wallball Shots 20/14
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Andrew V. asked me for some videos on weightlifting the other day.  I sent him a handful one good ones, cure but this is my favorite. In fact, ailment it may be my favorite exercise video of all time.  It has a great uplifting story of overcoming adversity, great movement (Zach’s Snatch is a thing of beauty), and awesome music. I’ve posted it before, but after I sent it to Andrew, I watched it like, 6 times.  That’s worth a re-post. [youtube] Workout of the Day Strength Deadlift, Heavy 5 Add 10# from last week.  Keep that lumbar curve!!! Metcon 3 RFT 15 Hang Cleans 135/95 15 Grinders
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