Who puts the FUN in Fitness?

Every Thursday I have the benefit of teaching 90 4th graders PE. These kids don’t know a ton about CrossFit, medical have minimal equipment, and come in a variety of shapes and sizes. The teachers themselves are in charge of PE, PE teachers it seems are not necessary in the elementary school world. Last year I noticed teachers lining kids up, prison yard style to run through rotations with a pushup and possibly a run thrown in. It was great that kids were moving, out from behind their desks, getting some fresh air, but there was a gigantic gap in what I remember PE being and what  passes for it now. It should be fun. Who wants to do something that is boring or miserable. There is no continuity there.
Fast forward a few hours to the CrossFit Oakdale Kids class. Their WOD was 30 second on 30 seconds off of burpees, lunges, flat-tires, and jumping jacks. Those kids hear 3.2.1. go and move. They had a blast and were ready to jump right on into Rainbow tag as soon as the clocked beeped. As we add up the scores, an older kid commented that “that score isn’t right, it should be one less, chest didn’t get all of the way down…no rep.” OUCH. Now we are at the opposite end of the spectrum.
Lucky for us there is a middle ground. Part of any game is having fun, whether it is tag, PE or the game of Fitness. When we lose the “fun” part you have to start wondering why you are doing it. We don’t play the game of Perfection (the board game is pretty awesome though). While we strive to get below parallel, lock out the arms or chin over the bar, those reps that get left behind are just ones to try again and do. No reps can be repeated, but shouldn’t ruin your WOD or your day.
Don’t give up. Just keep trying. Keep Calm & WOD On. I could go on all night, but there is no need to PR on my positive maxim list. Pat Sherwood said it best in this video “Relax. Have fun. Workout.” I think the Hokey Pokey would agree that’s what it is all about. Make it the best hour of your day.
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=569QgwLcWKo?rel=0&w=560&h=315]
Workout of the Day
High Bar Back Squat
Build to a Heavy 3
8 Ring Dips
16 Kettlebell Swings 53/35