Having a Plan

Olympic Life Span “Possible For All.”
Freddy C drops the hammer.  (Keep reading after the break.)  I don’t believe in “punishment” at a CrossFit gym, buy information pills but I understand where Freddy is coming from.  I was in the army, page and I was subjected to enough “corrective training.”  The army was paying me, visit web though, so I guess they could do what they wanted.  At my academy, I had an instructor that called physical punishment “penance.”  Some people liked that, some didn’t.  Since you’re paying for membership, I have a hard time handing out physical punishment.  Unless you drop a naked barbell. If you drop a naked barbell, you should be forced to miss double unders with the RPM jump rope 20 times.  Or 50 times.  I’m kidding.  Maybe…
Now, I may not believe in punishment, but I do believe in having a plan at the gym.  For the gym, we program lifts in waves, and use a lot of “heavy” singles, triples or fives.  I do believe working off percentages is a great way to get strong and efficient, but to stick to that type of rigid plan for a larger population is tough to program.  One day I may figure it out.
A great deal of responsibility is on the athlete to know, or learn, what lifts you need to hit to build to a heavy single (or whatever number we are working to).  Sometimes 20 minutes feels like a lot of time to build to a heavy lift (or multiple sets) but as you get stronger, you may feel rushed.  That’s because moving heavy weight safely and effectively is hard.  I usually have my opening lifts planned out with a definite idea of where I want to finish.  Backwards planning works well here.  Anything hard and worth doing deserves a plan.
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FhB1TGZ1MMU?rel=0&w=560&h=315]
Creating torque.  We will keep talking about this.  We are working torque when we do things like overhead KB walks.
Workout of the Day
3 Position Snatch (High, Above Knee, Ground)
Snatch 95/65
Toes to Bar