
We had a pretty cool night on Tuesday night.  During the 6:30pm class, more about the power went out all around the TL Davis Complex (and checking FB, information pills maybe all over Oakdale).  While deadlifting, seek we were plunged into darkness.  Cooler heads prevailed and panic was avoided.  Coach Denny told us to slide our feet as not to trip over loaded barbells or weight in the blackness.  Instead of saying, well it’s dark, let’s go home, we pulled out our cell phone lights, Conney pulled up her car and we used the headlights and we kept on lifting.  Melissa wondered aloud “What do they do at Gold’s gym when the power goes out?  How do they run when their treadmills won’t go?” Instead of working out to music, we got Denny’s time reminders and the sound of our breathing. We experienced a WOD blackout right around the time...
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Alison is putting together a CrossFit Oakdale headband order.  We are getting the headbands from JUNK.  The CFO headbands will be $18 plus tax, side effects and we’ll have pictures up soon.  I’ve never worn a headband, sale but maybe I’ll start now. Minifasting: How Occasionally Skipping Meals May Boost Health from NPR.  I caught this piece this morning.  Basically, more about Intermittent Fasting or IF, is the planned missing of meals, which turn into “mini fasts.”  I really like the concept of IF and calorie reduction in general for long term health, but I haven’t figured how to incorporate it into the “CrossFit lifestyle.”  I train 5-6 days a week.  Would you fast on rest days?  That seems like a mistake to miss eating and recovering on a rest day.  Would you fast on training days?  And what time makes more sense, fasting leading up to training, when you...
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Workout of the Day Burpee Test 1 minute – max rep of Burpees to 6″ touch Rest 2 minutes 1 minute – max rep Burpees to 6″ touch Strength Deadlift, more about 1.1.1, find Week 3 In 20 minutes, build up to a heavy set of 3 quick singles.  Add 10# to last weeks lift.  Use 8-9 sets to get to your target weight. Conditioning AMRAP 7 21 Alternating 1 arm Dumbbell Snatch 45/35 15 Box Jumps 24/20 9 Chest to Bar Pullups
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The Push Up challenge starts Monday!  It’s a $15 Buy In and the calendar is on the front desk.  I love me some progressions, clinic and nearly every one would benefit from a little bit of daily pressing and mid-line stabilization. Workout of the Day Strength/Skill Front Squat Double, Week 6 We are taking this to 8 weeks.  Use 8-9 sets to build to a heavy double.  Try to add 10# to last weeks effort. Beast Builder OTM for 7 Minute 1 is 7 Hang Squat Clean, 1 Shoulder to Overhead Minute 2 is 6 Hang Squat Clean, 2 Shoulder to Overhead Each minute the HSC go down by 1, the S2O go up by 1 Minute 7 is 1 Hang Squat Clean, 7 Shoulder to Overhead Pick a weight that will challenge you.  For example, if last week was easy at 135/95, make a jump.  For example, try 155/105....
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Good Luck to Micayla and Jake who are headed off to their Level 1 Seminar this weekend. Have fun guys! Workout of the Day There is a 20  minute clock : From 0:00-4:00 you will perform 100 pullups If you complete 100 pull-ups your time is your score. If you do not complete them your score is reps completed. Scaled: 100 Kettlebell Swings  Rest 1 minute From 5:00 to 9:00 you will perform 80 Wallball Shots 20/14 If you complete 80 wall ball shots your time is your score. If you do not complete them your score is reps completed. Rest 1 minute From 10:00 to 14:00 you will perform 60 Burpee Box Jump 20 inch If you complete 60 Burpee Box Jump Overs your time is your score. If you do not complete them your score is reps completed. Rest 1 minute From 15:00 to 19:00 you will perform 40 Clean...
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