The Push Up challenge starts Monday! It’s a $15 Buy In and the calendar is on the front desk. I love me some progressions, clinic and nearly every one would benefit from a little bit of daily pressing and mid-line stabilization. Workout of the Day Strength/Skill Front Squat Double, Week 6 We are taking this to 8 weeks. Use 8-9 sets to build to a heavy double. Try to add 10# to last weeks effort. Beast Builder OTM for 7 Minute 1 is 7 Hang Squat Clean, 1 Shoulder to Overhead Minute 2 is 6 Hang Squat Clean, 2 Shoulder to Overhead Each minute the HSC go down by 1, the S2O go up by 1 Minute 7 is 1 Hang Squat Clean, 7 Shoulder to Overhead Pick a weight that will challenge you. For example, if last week was easy at 135/95, make a jump. For example, try 155/105....
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