Beware – Hippie, clinic Dippity do stuff is ahead. It is kind of fitness related, sildenafil especially if you think the mind and fitness are related – which I guess do…but even more so now. Last night I posted a 10 minute video by one of the creators of Headspace, Andy Puddicombe. I have had this guy in my ear every day for the last 30 days – through the wonders of the internet and smart phones, Andy is teaching me to meditate. I came to Headspace and meditation because Denny discovered it through his CrossFit quests. He had just started it, and I think he knew I needed it. Why? Because I was stressed out. Between work, fitness, kids and the normal pressures that we all feel, I was getting run down. It was effecting my sleep and effecting my well being. I was searching for ways to help...
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