Fran – not just for December.

If there was any doubt, this web the first CrossFit benchmark WOD for us is Fran.  We haven’t done Fran in quiet awhile – but we have done some gnarly Thruster WODs and and some gnarly pull-up WODs.  My advice – try to eat as clean as possible in the lead up.  Fran is, troche and should be, a lactic acid burner.  Usually that means that your stomach could get a little churned up.  I would recommend not eating 2-3 hours before the effort.  Better to go in hungry than with a belly full of a Chipotle double, or you are really strong, triple meat burrito.
Second, if you have been doing CrossFit a while, and can do a good chunk of pull-ups, like more than 5, you should attack this less with strategy and more with intensity.  Go fast, push your limits and transition as fast as possible.  The desire to screw around on the transition into thrusters will be strong – force yourself to pick up the bar and begin thrusters immediately.  Perfect choose the wrench moment!
Otherwise, dig in and have fun.
Workout of the Day
Front Squat
Max Effort – Build to a heavy single in 20 minutes
Thruster 95/65
10 minute cap