
This is a workout…You gotta pay attention to what the mothership tells you…   Workout of the Day For Time 50 Snatches 135/95
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Wednesday night we will be holding a meeting for the Whole Life Challenge.   We will be going over the logistics of the website, approved how to sign up and the point system. There will also be a raffle for the people who have signed up or that sign up tomorrow night. If you sign up make sure you add yourself to our team – CrossFit Oakdale. See you Wednesday night at 7:30pm. Hoping to keep it short and sweet – 30  minutes. Workout of the Day Strength/Skill Shoulder Press 5 sets of 10 Keep the weight reasonable and the rest periods short – 90 seconds.  If you have to push press, tadalafil as you may fail, that’s ok.  Conditioning AMRAP 16 Parking Lot Run 30 Doubleunders 30 Abmat Sit Ups
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The CrossFit Team Series is on it’s way.  This online competition tests teams of 4 – 2 men and 2 women over the course of 2 weekends.  Week 1 is September 8-14 and Week 2 is October 6-12. CrossFit will announce the WODs and give you a week to do them and submit your score.  I want to team up with my special lady friend, buy more about so I have half a team.  I plan on programming these WODs during those weeks, Today’s strength is more of an awareness exercise.  We want to give you more single leg strengthening, and the weighted box step up is an excellent way to do it.  We will utilize a farmer’s car in the beginning – so make sure you are in a good Farmer’s Carry Position – shoulders back, chest up, with a tight belly.  Step up aggressively, extending the ankle, knee...
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This is week 3 of our 4 week strength cycle, ask working sets of 10.  This week will be 5 sets of 10.  Not only are there  good number of reps, but we really want you to keep the rest periods short – 90 seconds. Continue to focus on perfect position with tempo – lower the weight on a 2 count, explode on the way up.  Try to keep the pause at the top and bottom of these movements short but precise – not a lot of resting at the top. Tuesday’s benchmark comes from the 2014 CrossFit Team Series.  It’s an individual version of the team WOD: AMRAP 10, 10 Squat Cleans 155/100, 10 Burpee Box Jumps to 20″ for all.  It appeared on last year, more on the team series tomorrow. Workout of the Day Strength/Skill, Week 3 of 4 Deadlift, 5 sets of 10 Keep the...
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At 9 am & 10am AMRAP 10 10 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls 115/75 10 Burpees over the Bar   Also at 10am AMRAP 5 Max Muscle Ups  
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