Team Series

The CrossFit Team Series is on it’s way.  This online competition tests teams of 4 – 2 men and 2 women over the course of 2 weekends.  Week 1 is September 8-14 and Week 2 is October 6-12. CrossFit will announce the WODs and give you a week to do them and submit your score.  I want to team up with my special lady friend, buy more about so I have half a team.  I plan on programming these WODs during those weeks,

Today’s strength is more of an awareness exercise.  We want to give you more single leg strengthening, and the weighted box step up is an excellent way to do it.  We will utilize a farmer’s car in the beginning – so make sure you are in a good Farmer’s Carry Position – shoulders back, chest up, with a tight belly.  Step up aggressively, extending the ankle, knee and hip before putting you other foot on the box.  You can alternate feet or use the same foot until you switch.

I think nearly everyone has done some form of box jump or especially a step up, but putting stuff in you hands changes things a bit.  We want to weight this movement, but most importantly, we want you to do it safely.  Use a small box to start, and keep the weight light. 

Workout of the Day


Weighted Box Step Up

OTM for 7

Using some weight, either a KB or DB, in one hand or both, perform 6 Box Step Ups (3 on each leg) to a 20 inch box.



10 Burpee Box Jumps 20″ for all

10 Squat Cleans 155/100