
On Wednesday, illness January 6th, drugs we will be holding our Whole Life Challenge Info Meeting. Over 20 people completed the 8 week challenge in the Fall – and many of them are ready to start again! The Challenge consists of 8 weeks of being mindful not only of what we put into our bodies, drug but how we spend our days and nights. The food style is similar to Paleo in that there is no weighing and measuring, and there are foods that are compliant and of course NON compliant. Last challenge threw a bit of meditation at us, as well as adequate sleep, eating meals without screens or distractions and of course exercise! If you are thinking about joining the challenge but are on the fence – COME TO THE MEETING! We will go over all aspects of the game itself as well as answer any questions on...
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** If you are going to do the Whole Life Challenge (CrossFit Oakdale Team) sign up tonight to get the early bird special. Price goes up tomorrow. Meeting January 6th at 7:30pm.** Cool video from the CrossFit Journal.  Owen is a CrossFit Sav-Up athlete and I have met him in the Pappas’ garage and as a medic in the CrossFit Games qualifiers.  He an intense dude, sildenafil and it’s cool to see him in this video.  We see Sav-Up and Hercules CrossFit in this video – friends of CrossFit Oakdale all.  Now, before you even ask – I have ZERO interest in participating in GoRuck, or anything like it.  I have humped a ruck or 2 in my day, and I’m not looking to play again.  If this looks like fun, CrossFit is a great way to get prepared.  Now, just because I don’t want to do this doesn’t mean...
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CrossFit at 9am and 10am.  We hope you had a great New Year and are ready to train hard in 2016. Workout of the Day AMRAP 7 3 Deadlift 275/185 7 Shoulder to Overhead 115/75 At 10am, drugs we’ll do this, then work in some rowing and breathing.
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For Thursday, more about New Year’s Eve, there will only be class at 9am.  We will be open for Open gym from 10a to 12p. On Friday, New Year’s Day, we will do a 12 Days of Christmas WOD at 12p only.  The CrossFit Oakdale 12 Days of Christmas is: 1 Sumo Deadlift High Pull 2 Push Press 3 Thrusters 4 Power Snatch 5 Power Clean 6 Kettlebell Swings 53/35 7 Toes to Bar 8 Pullups 9 Box Jump 24/20 10 Wallball Shots 20/14 11 Burpees 12 Jumping Lunges Barbell Men – 95, Ladies – 65 The WOD works like the song.  The first found is 1 SDHP.  The second round is 2 Push Press, 1 SDHP.  Then 3 Thrusters, 2 Push Press and 1 SDHP.  Then 4 Power Snatch, 3 Thrusters, 2 PP, 1 SDHP.  Then 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.  Then 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.  You...
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I failed to post a couple of Open prep WODs that I am planning to use to augment my training in the coming weeks.  These sessions can be done as a warm up or an extra session after the WOD.  WOD 1: Alternating Tabata of Doubleunders and Burpees.  WOD 2:  Every 3 minutes, treat perform 6 calories on the rower, web 6 burpees and 6 calories on the rower.  In the next 3 minutes, do 8s.  In the next, do 10.  Keep going up by 2 until you cannot complete the work in the 3 minute period.  I originally started at 10, and I bonked out during the round of 16.  If 6 is too aggressive, start at 2 or 4. Workout of the Day AMRAP 22 Parking Lot Run 40 Doubleunders 20 Push Press 75/45 Parking Lot Run 40 Doubleunders 20 Pullups
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