
No classes to tomorrow – we are doing the Open Door Total.  Registration starts at 7:15, pills athlete briefing at 8, buy first heat goes at 8:30. Come in and cheer on our athletes! Workout of the Day With a continuously running 20 minute clock 5 Minute AMRAP 5 Pullups 10 Pushups 15 Air squats 5 Minute to establish Snatch 5 Minute AMRAP 5 Pullups 10 Pushups 15 Air squats 5 Minute to establish a Clean and Jerk
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Don’t forget if you ran on Wednesday you will row. And if you rowed you get to….that’s right! RUN! Brian will be running…or he will be dead to himself.  Workout of the Day Strength/Skill Back Squat In 25 minutes, medical build to a max effort Back Squat Conditioning Run TL Davis 2 times or Row 2k
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So, stomach here are my moments that stuck out in the Open.  This is like an Oscars speech.  I know I probably forgot something amazing, cost but that’s your fault!  Too many impressive things happened.  First, I had a blast watching everyone get after it this year.  I had the pleasure of judging Orlando on 3 of the WODs.  When the going got tough, I would lean in a give him a word or encouragement.  He would give me a slow, upset face, like when the Wile E. Coyote would hang for a second before falling off the cliff and look at the camera. 16.1 was tied for the longest workout in Open history, had a new movement in the Overhead walking lunge, and was the most logistically challenging workout in Open history.  I fell like this could open the door to shuttle runs and hand standing walking in the...
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I’m taking a break from the Open recap to discuss the programming for the week.  We will working to a heavy, help or max effort single, remedy on the Deadlift Wednesday and the Back Squat on Friday. Following both efforts – the workout will be the same – you can choose between a 2 thousand meter row or to run the TL Davis loop for time twice.  If you come in Wednesday and you run, capsule on Friday you should row, or vice versa. If the idea of either of these workouts seem terrible to you, you probably need to come in. If you have never done a 2k row, it’s probably the easiest thing you can do in CrossFit.  I’m totally lying.  For pacing – most guys can hold a 2:00 per 500m pace, most ladies can hold a 2:15 per 500m.  Almost every second under that set pace...
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The 2016 Open was a return to the grind.  Looking back at the 2015 Open, shop that test was pretty technical. You needed a high level of mastery of CrossFit’s more technical skills to do well. 15.1, not so much in my view , but depending on your ability to perform a good amount of Toes to Bar, it could be.  But with 15.1a, the testing of the Clean and Jerk, it became very technical.  15.2 – a million OHS and Chest to Bar.  Technical.  15.3 – opens with Muscle Up and several hundred doubleunders? Highly technical.  15.4 – opens with HSPU.  The HSPU reps keep going up? Technical.  15.5 – Rower/Thruster – not technical.  A punch in the genitals, yes, but not technical. Now I said it last year, but at no time in the Games process did anyone do a Burpee.  Not in the Open, Regionals, or the...
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