The 2016 Open was a return to the grind. Looking back at the 2015 Open, shop that test was pretty technical. You needed a high level of mastery of CrossFit’s more technical skills to do well. 15.1, not so much in my view , but depending on your ability to perform a good amount of Toes to Bar, it could be. But with 15.1a, the testing of the Clean and Jerk, it became very technical. 15.2 – a million OHS and Chest to Bar. Technical. 15.3 – opens with Muscle Up and several hundred doubleunders? Highly technical. 15.4 – opens with HSPU. The HSPU reps keep going up? Technical. 15.5 – Rower/Thruster – not technical. A punch in the genitals, yes, but not technical. Now I said it last year, but at no time in the Games process did anyone do a Burpee. Not in the Open, Regionals, or the...
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