2016 Open, Part 2

So, stomach here are my moments that stuck out in the Open.  This is like an Oscars speech.  I know I probably forgot something amazing, cost but that’s your fault!  Too many impressive things happened.  First, I had a blast watching everyone get after it this year.  I had the pleasure of judging Orlando on 3 of the WODs.  When the going got tough, I would lean in a give him a word or encouragement.  He would give me a slow, upset face, like when the Wile E. Coyote would hang for a second before falling off the cliff and look at the camera.

16.1 was tied for the longest workout in Open history, had a new movement in the Overhead walking lunge, and was the most logistically challenging workout in Open history.  I fell like this could open the door to shuttle runs and hand standing walking in the Open, if CrossFit chooses to add those.

Rita came in on Friday night to knock out the WOD, only to do some serious battle with overhead walking lunges.  Surprise! They are hard.  Rita battled with her husband, Coach Louis, supporting her like only he can.  If you ever watched Louis coach Don, you know what I mean.

On top of all these lunges and burpees, Kelly got her first Chest to Bar Pull Up on 16.1.  Plus 27 more to earn 100 reps on the WOD!

Kyra was not able to perform Chest to Bars last year, but after a full year of showing up at 5:30am, her and Brad building a Rogue rig you can see from space in their backyard, Kyra got more than 5 rounds!

We tripped up the hill to Sonora to throw down on 16.2 at CrossFit Sonora.  We braved El Nino, I threw up in their parking lot and Dennis nearly broke their clock by going so deep in the 16.2 ladder.  I gotta mention I judged Dennis on 16.5 and he turned in the best workout I have seen him do, grinding hard and never deviating from his plan.  Great Open, Dennis!

16.3 saw CrossFit Sonora trip to Oakdale.  Christine, Ryan Jones and Ro got their first, and then multiple, Bar Muscle Ups.  Great job!  I gotta mention our fearless leader, Alison, got her first BMU, or any kind of MU, ever.  And then got 2 more.  Her look of surprise when she found herself on top of the bar was priceless. 

CrossFit Oakdale Alum Micayla gave the on point Deadlift plan for 16.4 – do sets 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.  Smart!  She went first on Saturday and we all stole her strategy.

After not being able to perform Handstand Pushups last year, both Kyra and Gina got their first HSPU this year.  Let this be a lesson – Kyra and Gina (especially Gina) have been some of our most consistent athletes over the year.  Gina killed the Open because she put in the work.

Gina’s husband, Brock, was so surprised the Gina got her first HSPU that he came in on Sunday to do 16.4 and get a mess of HSPU and beating his wife.  He just missed, and not for a lack of trying.  Sorry Brock, maybe next year.

16.5 was a repeat of 14.5, lots of thrusters and burpees.  There is no place to hide, you can either handle the work and can go fast, or you can’t.

Miranda, in her first Open, did 16.5 by herself (with Denny as a judge).  At 5:30am!

Stephanie, Ro and Rocky came in at 7am – on Easter! – and did 16.5.  I hope they ate a whole box of peeps after.

I watched husband and wife team Joe and Wendy, with Wendy grinding through the couplet as Joe judged, only to flip and Wendy judged Joe as he smashed through, oh I don’t know, 84 thrusters and burpees.

Bob performed most of 16.5 wearing an angora vest.  That’s gotta be some kind of record.  And he waved me off.  I’m still a little hurt about that…

For those that participated in 2014, we saw some major PR’s this year.  Not only did your fitness improve, I dare say your mental game improve.  Denny had a 90 second PR, laying down a 10:48, setting the new CFO record.  Sarah PR’ed by over 5 minutes, posting the women’s score at CFO with 12:35.  Chris and Joel PR’ed by 2 minutes, June PR’ed by over a minute to earn a spot in the Master’s Regional!

Don is not only one of the fittest Master’s athletes in the world, but for the first time, he submitted all his scores!  On time even!

A special shout out to my MVP of the Open, Matt S.  In his first Open, Matt got his first Muscle Up and jusssst missed getting out of the first round in 16.2 and jussssst barely missed getting to the HSPU in 16.4.  Matt did the the deepest, gutsiest thrusters I have ever seen on 16.5.  On top of all the hard work, Matt carries so much positive energy and enthusiasm, it was a joy to see him throwdown. 

A second shout out to Michelle B who is now a 2 time Open Master. Michele comes in to open gym to work on her weaknesses and that has definitely paid off. While she struggled last year using a medicine ball weight she had never used, she easily sailed through the wall ball shots this year. She started the Open on vacation at another gym. The Open can be intimidating all on its own, but out of your comfort zone too? WOW.

First Open – Matt S, Miranda, Rocky, Keri, Wendy, Joe, Lizzie, Jack O, Sara H, Orlando

Sixth Open – Louis, Tricia, Alison, Brian, Chance.  OG!

Congrats to Annie M from CrossFit Foothill and Justin M from TJ’s Gym Mill Valley!  They are CrossFit Oakdale alum that are participating on teams for the CrossFit Games Regional Qualifiers!  Good luck!


Workout of the Day

50 Wallball Shots 20/14

25 Pullups

25 Ring Dips

50 Box Jump and Overs 24/20

25 Ring Dips

25 Pullups

50 Wallball Shots 20/14

If you have Muscle Ups, you may sub 15 Muscle Ups – either bar or ring – for the 25 Pullups/Ring Dips