For Friday’s conditioning workout, the goal is complete at least 45 Thrusters total. If that means you need to reduce the number of Pull Ups, do so. 15-12-9, 12-9-6 and 9-6-3 are good scaling options if you can do Pull Ups. If you cannot do Pull Ups, try a heavy swing in the 15-12-9 rep...Read More
This is a good chance to practice barbell cycling. If you drop down to quick singles, your barbell is likely to bounce around. Because it is a short workout, try and maximize your time. If you need to lower the weight, do so and crank the intensity. Workout of the Day AMRAP 7 3 Toes...Read More
Charles Shipman, affectionately known as Uncle Charles, will be at CFO on October 14th, 2017 for an Olympic Weightlifting Seminar. The cost is $125 ($110 if you sign up before October 1st) and the seminar will last all day Saturday. Expect to break down the lifts, lift heavy and learn a lot. Charles has coached...Read More
We will continue our max effort lifts this week. We will have a max effort Clean and Jerk on Wednesday and Front Squat on Friday. Workout of the Day Strength/Skill OTM for 7 Handstand work 20 second of work, 40 seconds of rest You can walk, tap your head or shoulders, try free standing or...Read More
1 session on Labor Day at 9am. Come on out, get a hero workout in, and enjoy your day! Workout of the Day “Rene” 7 RFT 400m Run 21 Walking Lung Steps 15 Pullups 9 BurpeesRead More
CrossFit at 9 and 10am – see you there. Remember, no Open Gym on Sunday and only 1 workout at 9am on Monday – Labor Day. Workout of the Day OTM 30 1 Power Clean 1 Thruster Try to keep going up in weightRead More
Monday’s WOD is still in the works, but I have been assured it will be hot and fun:) Our team is coming together for the Whole Life Challenge, but we can always use YOU! Get signed up to make some fun worthwhile changes! Workout of the Day Strength Deadlift – Max Effort Conditioning 5 Rounds...Read More
Labor Day Weekend is coming up! Last long weekend of the summer so go and celebrate! No Open Gym on Sunday and Monday will be 9am only. Hydrate through the weekend to get ready for the Holiday WOD on Monday. It will be a doozy. On Thursday’s workout – if you think you can do more...Read More
We have been throwing down many challenges to you…train for summer slam, 100 burpees, and now I have another. It is the Whole Life Challenge. Kids are now back in school and summer is almost over – life should get back to normal (?) but your diet may not have switched back from the “everyday...Read More
We still don’t have it. Make sure you are hydrating throughout the day – whether you are lounging in the AC or not. Workout of the Day Skills OTM (on the minute) 7 Minutes Handstand Walk, Hold or Plank 20 Seconds on, 40 Seconds Rest OTM 10M 5 Pull-ups STRICT (Can be a heavy Kettlebell...Read More