So, I let the last cardio challenge, a short double under tester, go a little long. I will give this one a week and half. You can try the CFO Triathlon – we don’t have a pool so you will have to row. The CFO Triathlon is: Row 100/80 Calories, Bike 100/80 Calories, Run TL...Read More
Workout of the Day Strength/Skill No Hook No Foot Hang Snatch Build to a heavy for 15 minutes THEN 3 attempts at a heavy hang snatch Conditioning AMRAP 10 9 Toes to Bar 9 Burpees Read More
This is week 4 of 6 in out strength progression – we are going to drop slightly, so we can go up. Next will be 85% and week 6 will be 90-95%. Tuesday will be no hook/no foot snatch work, Wednesday will have a heavy squat clean, and Friday is deadlift/bench press. Workout of the...Read More
We will start warming up at 9 and then get our “Fight” on. “Fight Gone Bad!” Three rounds of: Wall-ball, 20 pound ball, 10 ft target (Reps) Sumo deadlift high-pull, 75 pounds (Reps) Box Jump, 20″ box (Reps) Push-press, 75 pounds (Reps) Row (Calories) Rest 1 minute between each roundRead More
Don’t forget to RSVP for Fight Gone Bad! We are only having one class at 9am, but will run heats. Workout of the Day Strength/Skill 2 Position Snatch Work to a heavy set in in 15 minutes. Go from position 1.5 and 2.5 – just above the knee and just below the knee. After the...Read More
Wednesday’s workout is an alternating EMOM – one minute is a moderately heavy back squat – the other is a moderately heavy touch and go power clean. Denny came up with this in one of his early morning Outlaw Country music filled sessions. He used the strength training we do on Monday’s and EMOM’ed it...Read More
We are in week 3 of 6 of the current strength cycle. On Wednesday we will do a heavy EMOM from the mind of Denny – it’s a play on our current Monday strength progression. Thursday we will Snatch and Friday is Deadlift and Bench. On Saturday, we will do Fight Gone Bad, or FGB....Read More
CrossFit Oakdale traveled to Reedley, CA to compete in the GnarDog Throwdown. Amie and Jessica, Chalk Dirty to Me, competed in the scaled division and Bryce and Jack, Don’t Blow Your WOD, competed in the RX division. GnarDog has a great gym with a great community. They have been wonderful supporters of our competitions in...Read More
For you cardio junkies – this weeks challenge is a 5k row. In the video below, this handsome Englishman talks about how to row a 5k for MORE THAN 9 MINUTES!?!? Lots of good stuff, preparation, set up, pacing and the mental aspects of rowing are discusses. Friday is 2 lifts – the deadlift and...Read More