"This was all Denny's Idea"

Wednesday’s workout is an alternating EMOM – one minute is a moderately heavy back squat – the other is a moderately heavy touch and go power clean.  Denny came up with this in one of his early morning Outlaw Country music filled sessions.  He used the strength training we do on Monday’s and EMOM’ed it out.
The idea is to use your 60% Back Squat and about 60% of your 1RM Clean – but I am setting the numbers.  The back squat should take about 15-20 seconds and the cleans less than 10.  Because the loads are relatively heavy, you will need maximize your rest.  That may mean sitting down.
For the Power Cleans, Touch and Go is the goal. That means hanging onto the bar and using the stretch shortening cycle to “bounce” out of the bottom, or third, position.  Keep the bar close on the way down!
If you complete the workout exactly as it is written, you will have the coveted “RX.”  That means all back squats are done at weight and all clean are touch and go with no pauses.
Please enjoy the video of what happens in our house in the evening.

Workout of the Day
Alternating EMOM for 20 minutes
Even Minutes 3 Back Squat 225/135
Odd Minutes 3 Touch and Go Power Cleans 185/105