Training for the Week – FGB on Saturday

We are in week 3 of 6 of the current strength cycle.  On Wednesday we will do a heavy EMOM from the mind of Denny – it’s a play on our current Monday strength progression.
Thursday we will Snatch and Friday is Deadlift and Bench.
On Saturday, we will do Fight Gone Bad, or FGB.  FGB is a classic CrossFit workout. It’s light, and you move (hopefully) the entire time.  The movements are simple: box jump, push press, sumo deadlift high pull, wall ball shots and rowing for calories.
We want to that this like the Open.  Everyone should have a judge, as it’s nearly impossible to score yourself on this workout.  We will do a warm up and workout review at 9, and begin heats at 9:30 and run through until we are done.  If you have not done FGB, take the opportunity to exercise to the point of puking.
Workout of the Day
5 Toes to Bar
5 Pullups
25′ Handstand Walk
Parking Lot Run