We will have a full run down of our Burpees for Boobs fundraiser on Monday nights post. Here is the schedule fore this week. For Monday, normal schedule, but I will do one, likely final air quality conscious workout. Hopefully, by Tuesday, we can grip it and rip it. Because, Tuesday is the Week 2...Read More
Tomorrow is the day our coaches get down…and up…. and down… and up… We will have a regular 9am class full of strict gymnasty movements and then our final event of the Barbells for Boobs Fundraiser at 10am. We will be bringing some food and drinks, but welcome any food you would like to share...Read More
** If you will be attending the burpee palooza on Saturday and are in it for the long haul, we would love if you could bring a dish to share. We figured we will be there through lunch:) It was a smoky day in the valley today, but with the doors closed, we had at...Read More
Thank you to everyone who came out and shook it tonight for Barbells for Boobs! We have raised a good deal of $$ for our cause. That also means there are a lot of burpees on the line. If you feel like we have been unfair, or you want to really play the game, I...Read More
We talk about head position a lot in the pullup and toe to bar. I often talk about distance from the wall on the wall ball shot – I often think people are too close. This is why – you are looking up and putting your spine in a disadvantaged position. I love the foot...Read More
Great work to CFOers on your overhead lifts! After about 7 weeks of building, we had at least 37 PRs. And that’s just from the lifts that got marked on the board. I saw other lifts from newer athletes that were not marked, but I have a suspicion that they were PRs as well –...Read More
We only have 1 workout at CFO on Monday @ 10am. Thank you to all the Veterans in and around the CFO community. Workout of the Day “The Chief” 5 Rounds AMRAP 3 3 Power Clean 135/95 6 Pushups 9 Squats Rest 1 minute after each round. Start each round where you left off.Read More
Happy Saturday! Remember we are closed on Sunday and that Monday is 10am ONLY for a fun Veteran’s Day WOD! Workout of the Day 10 Rounds for Time 45 Seconds Row Rest 15 Seconds 30 Seconds Row Rest 30 Seconds 15 Seconds Row Rest 45 Seconds Read More
Friday: Normal Schedule Saturday: 9am only Sunday: Closed Monday: 10am only – Hero WOD Friday will be our last overhead test for the week – the Split Jerk. This should be the most weight you can put over your head. We have done a lot of preparation to get here – this is your chance...Read More
A Burpee video, and this time, we get to do Burpees. Workout of the Day Strength/Skill OTM 5 4 Strict Pullups/4 Dips Conditioning 11 Rounds for Time 33 Doubleunders 11 Burpees to Touch/11 Chest to Bar Pullups In rounds 1,3,5,7,9&11 do Burpees In rounds 2,4,6,8&10 do C2BRead More