Another group of well behaved individuals have completed the Eat Well Live Better Paleo Challenge. Congratulations to Gloria, healing Robin, Nicole, Mike, Rocky, Kirk, Rita, and Dorian for completing 30 days of unprocessed foods, quality sleep, increased water intake and Pure Pharma (Fish Oil, Magnesium, and Vitamin D). They logged their days into a google...Read More
15.5, discount the final WOD of the 2015 CrossFit Games Open is upon us. Come in on Saturday, dosage work very hard, # approved bring a dish, and we’ll have a pot luck lunch. June was gracious enough to loan her rower, so we will be able to run 5 per heat. We’ll do a...Read More
I will have more to say about this in the future…BUT every workout so far has required muscular endurance and some level of skill. 15.5 has almost none of that and all guts. Good Luck. God Bless. Workout of the Day 15.5 27-21-15-9 reps for time of: Row (calories) Thrusters Men use 95 lb. Women...Read More
15.5 is announced Thursday night. Our Thursday WODs have been predictable – after the Open, abortion we’ll get some creativity back on Thursdays. Promise. Workout of the Day AMRAP 20 Parking Lot Run 15 Pullups (or 5 Muscle Ups) Parking Lot Run 10 Overhead Squats 115/75Read More
Saturday we will be celebrating the end of the Open post 15.5. If you are cuckoo bananas you can still complete this on Sunday during Open Gym and Monday morning. There is a sign up sheet on the message board as you walk in to the gym. Please sign up for something to bring, patient...Read More
Denny introduced me to this meditation app, ampoule Headspace. It’s 10 minutes a day of meditation. I will be the first to admit, drug I never tried anything like meditation before. Headpsace can do for meditation what CrossFit did for elite fitness – change the perception for the masses. The app allows you to sign...Read More
Small change to the strength plan this week – we’ve moved the Press Complex to Wednesday. We will have conditioning WODs on Tuesday and Thursday (with a Pullup/Dip strength session on Tuesday). The last WOD of the Open, online 15.5, there will be Friday and Saturday – there appears to be Thrusters, Burpees and Box...Read More
Well, ampoule we guessed it. Handstand Pushups are in the Open. Good thing we ran that clinic a few weeks ago. Please review the video – the marks must be made for HSPU targets. Good luck – be smart and protect your neck. I will do a brief HSPU clinic on Saturday at 9am. Heavy...Read More
Just a heads up – we have been asked to keep the children out of the trees in the parking lot. They are not the strongest for climbing, generic and limbs have been taken down. Thank you in advance! Workout of the Day Strength/Skill OTM for 12 6 Pullups Strict Even Minutes 6/3 Dips Odd...Read More
Wednesday is a chipper – meaning you chip away at the movements or you throw your body into a chipper and come out as mush on the other end. For substitutions, what is ed use banded pull-ups or body pulls, clinic as you will be doing plenty of jumping. For T2B, salve get your knees as...Read More