
Wednesday is a chipper – meaning you chip away at the movements or you throw your body into a chipper and come out as mush on the other end.  For substitutions, what is ed use banded pull-ups or body pulls, clinic as you will be doing plenty of jumping.  For T2B, salve get your knees as high as possible, and for HSPU do 3 Wall Climbs.
And for subs for Doubleunders – it’s 10 attempts and 10 pushups this time.  We’re giving you a break on the burpees.  You’re welcome!

New wrist wraps!
New wrist wraps!

Workout of the Day
50 Doubleunders
50 Wallball Shots
40 Doubleunders
40 Pullups
30 Doubleunders
30 Burpee Box Jumps 24/20
20 Doubleunders
20 Toes to Bar
10 Doubleunders
10 Handstand Pushups