Just a heads up that Rodeo Weekend is upon us. Our schedule does not change, more about but if you are planning on attending 9am on Saturday and live north east or west of F street, medications you are going to want to make sure you get south before the parade starts on Saturday morning....Read More
I wanted tot talk briefly about the Pull Up/Dip OTM we have been doing. The idea behind this is to develop strict pulling if you have been kipping away for years (like I have). The other idea is to systematically attack the weakness of the dip portion (or the catch position) of the Muscle Up. ...Read More
The Open is over – so what now? The goal is always to become more fit. For many, treat the desire after the Open, when you have been breathing heavy, the urge is normally to want to lift heavy and get strong. That is a great idea. We will always provide cycles to focus on...Read More
As the Open has ended, # sale we have Robin C moving onto the Master’s Regional in the end of April! Congrats to Robin for being one of the fittest athlete’s in the world for the second year in a row. Tomorrow, capsule I will have a post on a plan to get freakishly strong...Read More
We hope you’re looking forward to a week of training while the kids are on spring break. Squat on Monday, page Press on Tuesday, classic conditioning WOD on Wednesday, Pullups/Dip on Thursday and Snatch on Friday. Workout of the Day Strength/Skill Back Squat, 5 rep work, Week 7 Take 20 minutes to build to a...Read More
We hope you all have a very Happy Easter! CFO will be closed on Sunday. Saturday is back to the “normal” grind – 9a and 10a Advanced. Workout of the Day Handstand Practice AMRAP 7 7 Toes to Bar 7 Handstand Pushups Rest 3 AMRAP 7 7 Box Jump Overs 24/20 7 Push Press 95/65...Read More
Sorry for the late post. I am still licking my wounds from Chris kicking my butt on that WOD from yesterday. Here’s the deal for the Snatch WOD – it’s 10 sets of 20 DU and 1 Snatch for load. You will have the entire minute to make the lift, dosage meaning in that minute,...Read More
CrossFit Oakdale finished 52rd among teams in Northern California. I am extremely proud of this accomplishment. We do not have a professional exerciser among us – we have a gym of regular people that work hard, pharmacy work smart and work on their weaknesses. We don’t have any weightlifting spe#ts, former D1 athletes or any...Read More
One thought on programming for the next year – we will likely always Squat heavy once a week. This means either a Front Squat or a Back Squat Progression year round. We will mix up the rep schemes through different cycles and progressions, pharm but expect to squat heavy once a week from now until...Read More
The Open is over! If you competed and tried your best, no rx congratulations! If you helped in any capacity, prostate judged, cheered on an athlete, tried one of the WODs, or participated in any way, great job! We hope you play next year! I will do more analysis of the Open over the coming...Read More