
I was talking to Denny about the negatives of multi-tasking the other day, # and he told about a great article he read.  I don’t know if this was it, sildenafil but it summed my multi-tasking life in many ways.  I have found that as I prioritize tasks, ed I am more relaxed.  My number...
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We are leading up to the Summer Slam 7’s this week and we are very excited for Saturday. We will be closing the registration on Wednesday, clinic so if you plan on joining us as a competitor, sick get on it! You can still register HERE.   If you would like to help out as...
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We’re excited to be hosting our first ever Summer Slam this Saturday!  The CrossFit Oakdale Summer Slam is 3 Sprint WODs, # approved with a finals for the top 5 athletes in each division.  We have a lot of athletes, so we are re-setting the heats so the day will move quickly and efficiently. If...
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Regularly scheduled programming will be happening this weekend. Here is some music for your Friday night listening enjoyment. Have a great weekend CFO Peeps! Next Saturday will be our competition… if you are interested in judging, buy let a coach or Alison know.   *21-15-9-6-3 Strict Handstand Pushups Hang Squat Clean 95/65   *Run Parking...
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Did anyone else notice that in the CrossFit Games Open, # 60mg Regionals and the Games themselves, decease at no point did anyone do a Burpee.  Do you think that means we are done with Burpees forever? Workout of the Day Strength/Skill, Week 4 of 4 Clean and Jerk Take 10-12 minutes to build to...
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I posted the video of this WOD last night.  It is a light one, sales with a lot of reps.  Even though the Deadlift is light, # approved you may need a bit of a plan as you work your way through 150 reps. But I’m pretty sure this is a pushup WOD. Call me...
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I have a classic CrossFit couplet headed your way tomorrow, tadalafil complete with old school video from Santa Cruz.  Beware that which looks easy. But if you need a flat brim hat for the WOD they are in stock! Workout of the Day Strength/Skill, price Week 4 of 4 Deadlift Take 10-12 minutes to build...
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With “Heavy DT” being performed at the CrossFit Games this year, sildenafil Tuesday’s WOD almost seems quaint – except it’s not. When the first day of the 2008 Games came to a close on Saturday, they announced the finals for Sunday: Grace.  Except instead of Clean and Jerk anyhow, you had to Squat Clean the...
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With “Heavy DT” being performed at the CrossFit Games this year, prescription Tuesday’s WOD almost seems quaint – except it’s not. When the first day of the 2008 Games came to a close on Saturday, malady they announced the finals for Sunday: Grace.  Except instead of Clean and Jerk anyhow, medical you had to Squat...
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This is the final week of our current strength progression.  We will re-test 1RM next week, thumb and then we will have a new progression next month, focusing on the power lifts. This week’s benchmark is “Heavy Grace.”  At least, what we used to call Heavy Grace – 30 Squat Clean and Jerks, 155/100.  I...
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