Nice, simple video on the overhead dumbbell squat. Workout of the Day Strength/Skill Snatch, any style 3 sets of 2, 70% Perform the 3 sets every 2 minutes after a 10 minute warm up. Conditioning 8RFT 5 DB Overhead Squat, Right Hand 50/35 5 DB Overhead Squat, Left Hand 10 Pullups 15 minute cap Read More
It’s a good technical day. Focus on keeping the weight close and making it snappy. There will be no open gym this week on Tuesday and Thursday in preparation for this weekend’s events. Workout of the Day Strength/Skill Clean & Jerk 3 Sets of 2 @70% of 1RM Take 10 minutes to warm up and...Read More
This is the week of Franniversary VI. 3 challenging partner workouts testing different aspects of fitness and teamwork! We have some great athletes coming in hot, so it looks to be a great dat of competition, fun and learning. If you are on the fence, sign up! If you know it’s not your bag, we...Read More
Pies, turkey, stuffing, carbs. We are all in the same boat. See you at 10am for a post-Thanksgiving workout. Don’t forget we are closed Saturday and Sunday! Workout of the Day 3 Rounds for Time 800mRun 60 Wall Ball Shot 20/14 40 Toes to Bar 35 minute Cap Scale accordingly or run in to the...Read More
***Wednesday – 5:30am, 9am, 5:30pm ONLY*** The season of giving is upon us. I am thankful everyday for the 3 kids who eat me out of food, steal Brian’s clothes and break almost everything we own. I would give them the world. I am thankful for the roof over our head, the people (you guys)...Read More
Reminder – Normal hours on Tuesday. On Wednesday, class at 5:30a, 9a and 5:30p. Closed on Thursday. 1 workout on Friday at 10a. We will be closed Saturday and Sunday. And sign up for Franniversary!!! Workout of the Day Strength/Skill Clean and Jerks 3 sets of 2, 65% Take 10 minutes to warm up, and...Read More
This is the week of Thanksgiving – so it’s a shortened week. We will have normal hours on Monday and Tuesday. On Wednesday we will do a Hero workout at 5:30a, 9a and 5:30p. CFO will be closed Thanksgiving. CFO will be open for 1 workout only at 10am on Friday. Finally, we will be...Read More
Happy Saturday!! At 9am, we will do the Whole Life Challenge WOD. At 10am, we will do something a bit more skill oriented. Workout of Day AMRAP 12 5 Burpees 5 Ball Slams (Sub 10 Kettlebell Swings) 10 Walking Lunges At the top of each 3 minutes 200m run Reps are scored not the run....Read More
Just a heads up on what we currently have on the plate! Saturday 11/18/17- During the 9am class we will do the final WOD and measurements for the Whole Life Challenge. Everyone will do the workout at 9am and measurements can be taken after. You don’t have to have done the Whole Life Challenge to...Read More
If you owe money to the burpee jug, get it in! Congratulations to June, Lorena, Amie, Lizzie (Canadian), Lizzy (American), Denny and Tim for completing 100 Days of Burpees!! T Shirt pre-orders for Franniversary are going in – if you want to guarantee a T-shirt fort Franniversary, get signed up! We have tested a lot...Read More