
We are excited to announce that we have registered as a gym with SugarWOD. It is so cool:) We will post the workouts and once you do them, you record your scores there! We will still be posting the WOD’s here too, but you will be able to easily go back to your account and check your scores. There is space to record all of your max lifts – and then it will tell you what percentage to use for lifting days. WHAAATTTT?!?!? It is amazing. There are different tracks – it will default to Workout of the day. If you click on the arrow, you can choose Accessory Work, Kids and Teens. (The teens is not yet full) Make sure you check out the Accessory work for tomorrow. If you allow notifications, you will get a quick message around 8pm when the workout is posted. There are even coaches...
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Here is the first at home monster mash…enjoy. Scale as needed We have never posted a tuck jump. It’s an old CrossFit sub for DU. It is very challenging… Tomorrow’s Schedule ROMWOD 8:30am Click Here to Join and Text 209-345-4380 for the password CrossFit 9am Click Here to join and Text 209-345-4380 for the password Workout of the Day “Fully Loaded” – you don’t have a DB, use a KB. Find something with weight 6 Rounds 20 DB Front Squats 50/35 40 Doubleunders – sub 10 Tuck Jumps Rest 6 6 Rounds 20 Air Squats 10 DB Bent Over Rows, Left Hand 50/35 10 DB Bent Over Rows, Right Hand 50/35 Rest 6 60 DB Push Press 50/35 Alternate every 5 reps “Empty Chamber” 6 Rounds 30 Air Squats 10 Tuck Jumps Rest 6 6 Rounds 20 Air Squats 10 Heavy pulls Left (this can be a water jug, paint...
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Did you get signed up? You didn’t miss out – it is free and we would love to have you on our team! We are 29 people strong right now and would love to have you, your family and your neighbors. This is the chance to get that neighbor of yours who says they want to try CrossFit but don’t have the time:) Tomorrow’s workout will be at 10am – Let’s do this one together! If you already did it, come cheer us on:) Click the link to join! This is so amazing – Everyone does what works for them at the moment. Get all of your people involved! Workout of the Day 2021 Week 1 10-min. AMRAP:10 squats9 dumbbell snatches, right arm10 push-ups9 dumbbell snatches, left arm ♀ 35 lb. ♂ 50 lb.
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Tomorrow they announce the first workout of the Support Your Local Box Open. Get signed up! It is free to register. Get your family in on it too, especially if they are working out with you. Don’t forget to use Crossfit Oakdale as your affiliate. Tomorrow’s Schedule RomWOD 8:30am Click Here to Join CrossFit 9am Click Here to Join Workout of the Day Strength 5 Sets of 3 Squat Clean Take 10 minutes to warm up build up to a heavy set and then go Accessory Work (can be done with cans of soup or veggies- contents don’t matter:) 3 Sets of 12 Arnold Press 3 Sets of 12 Front Lateral Raise ( go light on this) 3 sets of 12 Side Lateral Raise “Half Cocked” 20 Minutes – alternating arms each minute – score is total reps 20 seconds of Hang Squat Cleans with Dumbbell or Kettlebell 40 seconds...
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Get signed up for the CrossFit Open! Registration is free and there will be an RX workout and a Scaled workout that will be for at home with limited equipment. When you get signed up, make sure to use Crossfit Oakdale as your affiliate! We want you on our team! You, and your parents, and sibling, neighbors, everyone you DON’T come in contact with. The more people we get to workout, the healthier we will all be. The healthier we are, the stronger our immune systems are. Which will bring us back together sooner, rather than later. Make a paper airplane and send it to your neighbor. Write it in chalk on the sidewalk where people walk. Please share this next part – Amber’s Dad is currently suffering from this awful virus. They are calling out to find O type blood from someone who has tested positive for Covid19 and...
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