Stay at home and mash

Here is the first at home monster mash…enjoy. Scale as needed

We have never posted a tuck jump. It’s an old CrossFit sub for DU. It is very challenging…

Tomorrow’s Schedule

ROMWOD 8:30am Click Here to Join and Text 209-345-4380 for the password

CrossFit 9am Click Here to join and Text 209-345-4380 for the password

Workout of the Day

“Fully Loaded” – you don’t have a DB, use a KB. Find something with weight

6 Rounds

20 DB Front Squats 50/35

40 Doubleunders – sub 10 Tuck Jumps

Rest 6

6 Rounds

20 Air Squats

10 DB Bent Over Rows, Left Hand 50/35

10 DB Bent Over Rows, Right Hand 50/35

Rest 6

60 DB Push Press 50/35

Alternate every 5 reps

“Empty Chamber”

6 Rounds

30 Air Squats

10 Tuck Jumps

Rest 6

6 Rounds

20 Air Squats

10 Heavy pulls Left (this can be a water jug, paint can, a cinder block, a backpack with books…)

10 Heavy Pulls Right

Rest 6

60 Hand Release Pushups