
This week -and next week’s challenge is the Mediocre Marathon. Can you add 26.2 miles to your 2 weeks? I don’t know about you, but even with exercising daily, I am finding that I am sitting around more in these pandemic days. When I saw the Mediocre Marathon pop up, I thought “Wow! This definitely falls in line with the virtual 5K I promised to run, LOL.” I am not a great runner, often called “Calamity Jane” by my father, so light on my feet is not an attribute I glom on to. But this mama got into the running, with some heavy kettlebell swings tonight. I am slow, but mighty. It can only get better from here, right? Runners, weigh in. Thinking of repeating the 5k on Sunday, but actually running and not traipsing all over town, taking pictures and visiting people. In all honesty, that makes it less...
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This week we will be starting our “Murph” training. Our goal is that we are together to complete the Hero WOD on Memorial Day weekend. Keep your fingers crossed! Our evening outdoor WOD will be similar to the morning class – as usual bring your kettlebell or dumbbell to workout with. Tomorrow’s Schedule ROMWOD 8:30am Click Here to Join CrossFit 9am Click Here to Join Crossfit Oakdale Kids and Teens 3pm Click Here to Join CrossFit Outdoors 6pm Location on the group page or text 209-345-4380 Workout of the Day “Fully Loaded” AMRAP 155Yd-10yd-15yd shuttle Run5 Yard Handstand Walk20 Kettlebell Swings 53/35 “Empty Chamber” AMRAP 155Yd-10yd-15yd shuttle Run5 Yard Kick Up or Bear Crawl Accessory Work Bench Press – 4×12 Bent Over Row – 4×8 each arm Hip Bridge – weighted 4×20
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9,565. That is the amount of burpees we completed in one hour as a community on Saturday. Scott was the top overall upper and downer with 633. Denny was the top coach with 696. Jacob had the max calories burned 779. Lizzy did 500 burpees in 45 minutes – she arrived a little late to the party… Brooke got 475, Victoria had 450 and Justin P. has 446 Thank you fort coming out, getting up and down, supporting Gillman’s and having some fun in the sun. I promise, I will do everything in my power to avoid burpees this week. Outdoor WOD’s Tuesday, Thursday 6pm and Saturday 10am this week. Tomorrow’s Schedule ROMWOD 8:30 am Click here to join CrossFit 9 am Click here to join This can help out during the #mediocremarathon – you have 2 weeks to add 25.2 miles to your life. Walk, run, skip, hop –...
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If you are worried on how to remember what number burpee you are on, we will be marking you every 20 burpees. So yell your name out LOUD. If you are going to be burpee-ing and moving, let use know when you want to add burpees to your score. We will also have a speaker (small speaker) to handle those who are doing the burpees on the minute. If you are burpee-ing from your location, you can find us on zoom at the link below. You can text your order into Gillman’s at 209-840-3150. They will be taking orders around 10:30am tomorrow morning. Or you can walk up and order. We will see you tomorrow morning at 10 am! Tomorrow’s Schedule CrossFit 10am Burpee Hour Creativity creates strength. Workout of the Day Burpee Hour Register HERE AMRAP 60 Burpees
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20 minutes here, 10 minutes there. Everybody loves a start time, right? While we don’t currently have an EXACT start date, we are hoping to be back in a matter of weeks. That means smaller classes, a little more patience for cleaning and sanitizing and definitely more of my sing-songs for washing hands. Did I mention the arrows and signs on the floors? There is no normal. There might be a new normal, but isn’t it easier just to say “this is currently how it is.” Change is hard, but we keep rolling. See you Saturday for the Burpee Hour at 10am! Location is mapped out on the Member group page. Text 209-345-4380 with any issues. Tomorrow’s schedule ROMWOD 8:30am Click here to join CrossFit 9am Click here to join Thanks to Michele and June for this morning’s entertaining Wall Ball Shot Trials! I know I took warehouse ceilings for...
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