
“Jumpy/Pully” 6 Rounds12 Box Jumps 24/206 Chest to Bar Pullups6 Burpees6 Chest to Bar Pullups 20 minute cap
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Seeing as how the old school world of CrossFit is on rocky ground, let’s do some old school shit. The Overhead Squat and the Thruster, to me, are the true Crossfit movements. At some point, the test was 15 reps of the Overhead Squat at bodyweight. If your squat is good, you still need great flexibility and the stability to hold that bar overhead. If you don’t have a great squat, life will be harder. And for 15 reps, whew! Be ready for lactic acid to creep up quickly, and when the world starts swaying, dig in. If you have Oly shoes – wear em! Warm up with sets of 3 and 5s. When you get close to target number, maybe try a rep or 2 at your goal weight. The first could of reps should feel great. There will be a hidden conditioning workout. Shhh Workout of the Day...
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Classes have been so full and energetic! We LOVE THIS! We are opening up more spots in our classes. Thank you for signing in all of the time! If you are waitlisted, (hopefully the extra spots will help with that) you will receive a notification if someone cancels. If you cannot make it to a class that you have signed up for, please cancel the reservation. Workout of the Day “Bear-ly Hard” AMRAP 201 Power Clean1 Front Squat1 Shoulder to Overhead1 Back Squat1 Back Squat Shoulder to Overhead
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We talked about the stimulus of the heavy day last week. We still believe in that, but are always trying to be better listeners. There will be a short conditioning WOD post deadlift tomorrow. DO NOT GO LIGHTER ON THE DEADLIFT BECAUSE OF THIS. You won’t need to. Be prepared to smash the deadlift. Workout of the Day Deadlift 1-1-1-1-1 Build to a heavy. Go as heavy as you can. Take 2-3 minutes rest in between.
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The 2020 rollercoaster continues. The CrossFit founder and CEO is in the news for saying horrible things to an affiliate owner in Seattle and in the wake of George Floyd’s death at the hands of the Minneapolis Police Department.  Google them if you are curious – I’m not going to repost them. At CrossFit Oakdale we love and support all humans.  We do not restrict our community by race, creed, religion, sexual orientation, ideology or any other -isms.  One thing we cannot abide is a bully.  I have spent the last 20 years of my life fighting bullies in many forms. We do not support any of the recent comments made by CrossFit CEO Greg Glassman.  His comments are unacceptable under any conditions, and his silence following these outrageous comments is disappointing to say the least. We aim to be the best versions of ourselves, thereby creating the best versions...
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