
We have implemented the “sign up for class” system through the MindBody App since we have returned from quarantine. Thank you for signing up for classes! In doing so, our coaches know who will be coming and can adjust warmups accordingly. Our class sizes have increased, but there is still a waitlist every once in awhile. If you are on the waitlist for a class, you will receive a notification if someone cancels. It will automatically put you in a class. If your schedule changes, and you can’t make that class, PLEASE go in and cancel. It will notify the next person on the waitlist. A few VERY IMPORTANT POINTS: *If you sign up for a class and don’t show up, someone might have missed out on attending. PLEASE CANCEL AS SOON AS YOU KNOW YOU CANNOT MAKE THE CLASS. *Please do NOT show up for a class you have...
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We are loving our trip back to pre quarantine times. It has been so great to see people chatting it up together again. As we start to see cases rise within the county, please make sure you are continuing to stay home if you are not feeling well, washing your hands/sanitizing before and after workouts and in general being adults. We appreciate you helping us work within our space to keep our gym healthy!! Workout of the Day “Double Double Unders” For Time 50-35-20Wall Ball 20/14Double UnderPullup
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Workout of the Day Power Snatch 5 Sets of 3
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We are bringing double under back. You may have enjoyed the time without, but know that we can only get better through practice. So here we go. We will continue heavy lifting with hidden workouts:) Workout of the Day 66-44-22Double UnderAir SquatKettlebell Swing 53/35
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Classes at 9 am and 10 am! Get signed up! Workout of the Day 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps for time of: Power cleans 185/115Strict handstand push-ups
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