
Workout of the Day 50 Power Snatches 95/65 8 Min Cap At 10:00 Death by DB Snatch Starts with 6 Alternating FB Power Snatch
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Workout of the Day 2013 Lurong Living Challenge WOD 2 For Time 100 Burpees 100 Kettlebell swings 53/35 Break this up any way you want…. a little Wednesday deja vu. The challenge workout had a 12 minute cap – but we will bump it up to 15 minutes:)
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Thursday’s workout is a 20 minute EMOM. Please post your lowest and your highest lift. In each minute, you will be required to perform 20 doubleunders then 1 clean. The clean may performed with any style. The stimulus we are looking for is for you to ramp up the weight as the workout begins. You should actually start the workout fairly quickly after entering your square, and add weight after each lift. Keep 2 5s and 2 10s handy, because these will be easy adds as you build your barbell. Ideally, you will start with something simple, like 135/85, and add weight as you get warm and your central nervous system gets fired up. Please record your starting weight and your highest lift. If you can do all 20 DU, you will receive and RX. If you can’t do DU, do 30 singles, but this portion shouldn’t take longer than...
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Workout of the Day For Time – Break it up any way you want 100 Pullups 100 Wallball Shots 20/14
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Workout of the Day Shoulder Press 1-1-1 Push Press 3-3-3 Push Jerk 5-5-5
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