
Workout of the Day AMRAP 20 (Run, Push, Squeeze)Parking Lor Run20 DB Push Press 50/35Switch every 510 Toes to Bar
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Due to the upcoming school year and distance learning, we will be changing the 10 am class to a 12:30pm class. This will give parents time to workout after the school day is over. This Thursday, the first day of school, we will be cancelling the 9am class and ROMWOD. We had a great time on Friday night with the ladies of the OLY Open. We have 2 more weeks before our final scores are entered, so come out and cheer us on on Friday at 6:30pm. Workout of the Day From Train FTW 30 RFT1 Squat Clean1 Hang Squat Clean1 Thruster*95/65 *There must be 3 squats within each round. You may NOT thruster out of the hang squat clean. Stand up from the hang squat clean and then head back down into the bottom of your squat for your thruster.
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Workout of the Day Heavy FGB Style 5 Rounds for Reps1 Minute of Deadlifts 275/1851 Minute of Box Jump 30/241 Minute of Burpees to Touch1 Minute of Rest
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Dates to keep open- August 22 – CFO Hiking Day October 17th – “Speakeasy” In house competition Workout of the Day “Jackie” Monster Mash-ish Minutes 0-6 Row 1KMinutes 6-10 50 Thrusters 45/33Minutes 10-14 30 PullupsAt the 15 min. markFor Time500 M Row25 Thrusters15 Pullups Score will be individual times of each.If unfinished, add reps to the cap time to make your timed score.
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***OLY OPEN 6:30pm on Friday for registered lifters*** Workout of the Day Front Squat 3 sets of 1 THEN Back Squat 3 sets of 3
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