
Alrighty, lets get serious about getting fitter-er over the holiday month. Things tend to get a little busy, but we still want to have a solid plan in place. Basically, every Monday will be a Front Squat/Burpee session. You will perform 5 recorded lifts, and 5 sets of burpees. Each week, record your best front squat set. In addition, add all your lifts, plus all your burpees for one big total number. Each week, try to game it to make that number big by going heavier and faster. For example, if your best front squat was 275, and you did 4 other lifts at 225, 235, 255, 265 plus 90 burpees, your score will look like: 275/1345. That should be a fun little thing to build on for 4 weeks. We will continue to drill the weightlifting each Wednesday. We will alternate with the Snatch one week, and the Clean...
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CrossFit at 9am and 10am – no squatting, I promise! I would never not lie to you. I am looking for interest in a skills clinic on 13 December. I would like to try to do 1 skill clinic per month until we hit the Open. Please hit us up a the gym or on the Facebook group if you are interested and we will set it up. Christmas White elephant on December 5th at 3pm. $25 gift for adults $15-$20 for teens – junior high through 12th grade Up to $10 for kids elementary and under BYO SNACKS, DRINKS and HAMMERS (stump players) Text Alison 209-345-4380 to RSVP Workout of the Day AMRAP 912 Alternating DB Snatch 50/353 Bar Muscleups
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Every once in awhile, you gotta get a little weird. So, I give you the 2 for 1 wall ball shot. Here’s the key – that air squat must be fast! Pull your body down, drive up and be ready for that ball to come at ya. It can help to fire the ball a little higher, that might help. But fast squatting is where it’s at. What do we mix this with? Something weird of course. 5 Toe to bar pullup. You do 1 toe to bar, directly into one pullup. That’s one. Then toe to bar, then pullup. Again. You cannot break between the toe to bar and the pullup. You can drop after the pullup before you being your next TTB/PU. Workout of the Day AMRAP 10 5 Toe to Bar Pullups (modify with hanging knee raise into a jumping pullup, keeping hands on the bar) 5...
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Wednesday Classes 5:30am, 8:30am ROMWOD, 9am, 12:30pm, 4:30pm and 5:30pm. NO 6:30pm Classes. Thursday – Happy Thanksgiving! CLOSED Friday – 11:00am and 12:00pm Please get signed up for classes as usual! Workout of the Day 5 sets ofHalt: 2″ off floorHalt at kneeHang cleanClean PullScore is total of all lifts combinesYou may go up in weight only if it is perfect. Work on making each lift as crisp and clean as possible.
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But we’re gonna do a birthday workout for Chelsie. Couple of reasons: she gave me easy movements and she’s 31. If she was nay older, like me, it would be too. many. reps. The actual weight of the women RX bar is 95. But I realized I could sneak 89, the year of Chelsie’s birth, on the bar. 25s, 2.5s and .5s. Workout of the Day Chelsie 31AMRAP 2031 Doubleunders21 Deadlift11 Power Cleans135/89
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