
Is there a more Oakdalian place the Ferrarese’s?  Great local food, visit web large portions and good prices.  And of course, our Oakdale boy, Chance, has a special sandwich at Ferrarese’s.  We tried to order it over the weekend, and screwed it up.  You’ll have to ask Chance about the specific’s but it’s delicious (and not paleo).  The sandwich is known as the “Clark Especial”. What’s you’re favorite meal at Ferrarese’s?  Please post to Facebook. Chance should have his own workout to go with the sandwich.  At the Moxie Throwdown last year, Chance took second against a tough field  in a total gut check WOD: Max Over head walk for distance with a 95 pound barbell.  Chance locked incept his head top, and just kept going, passing other tough competitors with sheer will.  When he finally dumped the bar, he had walked farther than any athlete before him.  His distance...
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Six Rules for Dining Out from the Atlantic. The Physics of the Hulk’s Jump from Wired.  Yes, remedy I am a geek.  But doesn’t the jump diagram look like the Olympic lifts?  My worlds are colliding!!! Kirk L works for that first Muscle Up Workout of the Day “Hulk Smash” 5 Rounds, dosage for total reps 1 Minute of Power Cleans 165/115 Rest 1 Minute 1 Minute of Box Jumps 30/24 Rest 1 Minute Scale load and box jump height accordingly.  Please control your drops on the Power Cleans.
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This Saturday is the Kid’s Recon Run in Tracy.  It’s a free 400m mud run for the Kids.  In all likelihood, this we’ll close the gym for Saturday, and cheer on the Kids.  BUT…that doesn’t mean the grown ups can’t have fun, too.  I plan on bringing some equipment, so we can do a fun outdoor  WOD for the grown ups after the kids run, then eat there. Don’t forget the mobility clinic at 7:30 on Wednesday night.  Bring your foam roller or favorite implement of torture. Alison and I have been super busy during the week past few weeks.  The growth at CFO has been amazing, and we’re having a great time!  But, we do like our rest days.  We usually spend some time cleaning the gym, but if we’re lucky, we get to bum around the house.  Cooking for the week, hanging out, swimming in the summer, but...
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9am is Bring a Friend WOD. 10am is Advanced. Sean G AKA Superman We have some family business in the morning (Yay Finn!), order and Chance and Christine will run the show. Workout of the Day 9am Bring a Friend WOD Depending on attendance, this may be a partner WOD AMRAP 15 11 Push Press 75/45 8 Box Jump and Over Box 20/16 11 Sumo Deadlift High Pull 75/45 10am Advanced Snatch Practice Metcon 5 RFT 20 Pullups 11 Box Jump and Over Box 24/20 10 Handstand Pushups 11 Box Jump and Over Box
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I wanted to take the time to beat our collective chests for some of the PRs (Personal Records) we’ve been smashing.  This is obviously not a comprehensive list, story and if I left a feat of strength off the list, PLEASE post it to Facebook. PRs and milestones should be celebrated and reflected upon.  They are also the entry to greater levels of fitness and achievement.  Make sure you take the time to think about all you have accomplished.  This stuff ain’t easy! First Muscle Up: Trevor A and Jen C First Kipping Pullups: Lauren D, Alicia C, Lara A, Jen C. I’d like to take credit for Denny’s pullups, but he came in pretty good at pullups.  Nice work, P90X… We have a BUNCH of you that are close on pullups! Keep plugging away.  I’m looking at you Conney! Vyctorria G, Jackie J, Ross A goes their first handstands....
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