Once a again, # we should talk about hand care. I will always recommend the PedEgg, order basically a cheese grater for your hands, # 40mg to keep your calluses under control. I like the Revlon one that I have, because on top of the grater, it has a more fine pad to smooth things out. I would recommend treating you hands every other week. It’s good to toughen your hands, but uneven spots, and built up calluses may rip. But still, rips may happen. Then what? I had a gnarly rip at Regionals, my first one in years. Luckily, we had a great medical tent to take care of us. Here’s what they did. Immediately, they cleaned the cut with soap and water. Then they cut away the ripped skin, exposing the sensitive next layer. Then they applied neosporin and covered the wound. I had also developed a large...
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