Schedule Notes

Kids Classes will be taking a brief break. There will be class this Tuesday, rx but then not again until Thursday June 28th. We will be adding Mondays for a few weeks after to make up for those missed classes. Don’t forget the Kids Camp will be the week of July 16th. Reservations need to be made by July 9th in order to have a spot. Ages 7-12 $120 for the week ($100 for CFKids) Make sure to contact Alison at 209-345-4380 or sign up on the FB Page.
We have some amazing coaches who will be on the floor in our absence. Louis, capsule Tricia, order Chance, Christine & Brady are all Level 1 Certified Coaches. They each bring a lot to the table and I am excited for them to share their expertise with all of you.
One of our favorite traveling pastimes is visiting other CrossFit gyms. Many more have popped up throughout New England since the last time we have been there. Melissa and Conney have stopped by another gym, and Bob and Tricia always hit up other boxes.  A few years ago we went to CrossFit King of Prussia, CrossFit South Brooklyn, and SECT CrossFit. Brian has gone to CrossFit Verve during a business trip. It is always fun to see how other places work. (and buy tshirts)

Bob catching up on his pushups when camping for the 60 day challenge.


Max Effort Monday

Back Squat Heavy Single



7 Hand Clapping Pushups

7 Jump Squats

Rest 2 Minutes


10 Grinders

10 AbMat Situps