The World Looks Different From Upside Down.

Everyone did a great job today of overcoming their upside down fears.  Getting upside down and doing box jumps might be the most mental of all skills in CrossFit. I am 35, page and if you had told me 5 years ago I would get to do handstands on a regular basis I definitely would have laughed at you. There are just certain things we don’t do beyond a certain age. Well at least that is what I thought. Please notice I said “get to do”. I want to do them. I am physically able and capable of doing them. They are an accomplishment.  A  very good friend often reminds me that while we may be sucking wind during a challenging WOD we should remember that we are doing this because we can. I am physically able to get out of bed every morning. I can run, page jump and throw my kids around the pool. If you can do these things too, store then you SHOULD do them. If you see Emmaline and Sean having a handstand walk contest, jump in. We have lots of walls, kick up on them. And if you are not sure how to attempt stuff you see, ask. Everyone is willing to share what works for them and help you out. 

Shout out to Vycttoria for her inverted burpees. Only a few months ago she got up on the wall and surprised herself. Today she was solidly upside down. It was great! Janet, Karen, Ross, Holly, Lauren, Melissa and Conney are all part of the upside down club today as well. Thank you for your great “can do and will get it done” attitudes.






Stations …(hmmm very nondescript. Come in and find out what we are doing:))


2 Clean and Jerks 225/135

50 double unders

2 Clean and Jerks

40 DU

2 Clean and Jerks

30 DU

2 Clean and Jerks

20 DU

2 Clean and Jerks

10 DU


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