
It’s going to be very hot this week.  Make sure you are hydrated.   Being hydrated means more than just drinking water.  Proper nutrition and sleep will go a long way to keeping you hydrated.  I put a little bit of salt in my water to help with water retention.  Don’t believe me?  Listen to K-Star.  I don’t like sports drinks, capsule but you can’t joke around about electrolytes.  When I drink a sports drink, I cut it 1:1 with water. [youtube] I find it’s much easier to get warmed up in the summer.  Maybe because it’s hot, right?  Warm muscles mean safer movement.  BUT…being dehydrated reduces blood flow to ligaments and tendons.  Stuff just doesn’t fire right.  K-Star shows how to test your hydration.  Otherwise you may be headed straight to Snap City. [youtube]   Workout of the Day   50 Pullups Run TL Davis Loop 35...
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Saturday July 28th, sildenafil 2012 we will be doing our morning class up at Knight’s Ferry. How does a great workout, # order dip in the river and maybe some sort of potluck sound to you? If you will be attending, let us know so we can plan accordingly. There will be a sign up sheet at the gym. Make sure you bring water, towels and any extra clothes you may want. A few weeks after that, August 11, 2012 we will have another CFO outing to Knight’s Ferry. Instead of a regular Saturday WOD, we will be going River Rafting. Adults and children over 5 will need to sign up. The cost is $29 per person (kids too). Please submit your deposit of $15 by Wednesday, July 11th. The final payment will be 2 weeks before the actual adventure. Sunday, August 12th between 8am and 1pm, the Body Fat...
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9AM Saturday Bring a Friend WOD   10AM Team CFO WOD   Workout of the Day   9am movements are Overhead Walking Lunge, rx Pullups and Burpees with some movement.   Team CFO WOD   Strength Overhead Squat Build to a Heavy Single   Metcon 21-15-9 Barbell Overhead Walking Lunge 135/95 CTB Pullups Bar Facing Burpees Each lunge is 1 rep. Is this even possible?  Let’s find out!
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The ‘Busy” Trap from the New York Times. Workout of the Day Strength/Skill 3 Position Clean, story from Low to High. Start from ground, # sale then low hang, then high hang. Metcon “3 Little Pigs” AMRAP 3 3 Hang Cleans 165/115 6 Hand Release Pushups 9 Squats Rest 1 Repeat for a total of 3 rounds.  Start each new round where you left off.  For example, if in round 1, you completed 2 rounds plus 3 cleans, begin round 2 with pushups.  Score is total number of reps completed.
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Liberty means responsibility.  That is why most men dread it.  ~George Bernard Shaw, diagnosis Man and Superman, nurse “Maxims: Liberty and Equality,” 1905 Freedom is nothing but a chance to be better.  ~Albert Camus CrossFit Oakdale expanded a bit yesterday: we knocked down the wall, and now have access nextdoor.  This will greatly expand our work space, but it will take a while to get used to it.  We don’t have flooring in the new space yet, but we should have something soon.  We plan to continue to use the adjacent space as storage, but by all means, if you feel cramped, take your barbell/equipment onto the concrete. This area will primarily be used as storage for now, but it will definitely add space to our little gym. Workout of the Day   Strength/Skill Snatch Warm up, building to 75% of your 1RM. Then, perform 1 Snatch every 30 seconds...
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