Events Coming up!

Saturday July 28th, sildenafil 2012 we will be doing our morning class up at Knight’s Ferry. How does a great workout, # order dip in the river and maybe some sort of potluck sound to you? If you will be attending, let us know so we can plan accordingly. There will be a sign up sheet at the gym. Make sure you bring water, towels and any extra clothes you may want.
A few weeks after that, August 11, 2012 we will have another CFO outing to Knight’s Ferry. Instead of a regular Saturday WOD, we will be going River Rafting. Adults and children over 5 will need to sign up. The cost is $29 per person (kids too). Please submit your deposit of $15 by Wednesday, July 11th. The final payment will be 2 weeks before the actual adventure.
Sunday, August 12th between 8am and 1pm, the Body Fat Test company will be at CFO to …that’s right, test your body fat. The hydrostatic method is the GOLD Standard in Body Fat testing – the most accurate. You will be briefly submerged, so bring a bathing suit and a towel. Payment will be collected upon registration, and you will also be signing up for your time slot. Cash or Check only. Talk to Alison to sign up.
Maybe you’ve noticed, maybe you haven’t, I have been playing with some work/rest AMRAPs.  I like these, and I plan on using them 2-3 times per week.  These will force you to truly sprint, and we will develop our lactate thresholds, turning us into weighlifting gymnasts with lungs of a porpoise.  Or something like that.

Brady returns from a 400m run with his 45# barbell during Building Fran

Workout of the Day
Max Effort Monday
In 20 minutes, build to a heavy single.
4 Rounds
7 Clean 135/95
14 Doubleunders
Rest 1
Begin each round where you left off on the previous round.
If you don’t have DU, do 7 DU attempts.