
10 Things All New Weightlifters Should Know from Catalyst Athletics.  I really agree with number 1. I don’t really care about number 2.  I am probably guilty of number 8 and I’m definitely a believer of number 7.   I REALLY believe in number 11.  It’s one thing to “miracle” a lift, ailment or a muscle up.  But once you get it, online it’s time to perfect it.  I PR’ed my Snatch 2 years ago with a 205# lift, and I haven’t hit that lift since.  I own 195.  I’m saying my Snatch is 195 until I start hitting the lift consistently.  I’ve seen this happen with Muscleups and Doubleunders.  First we learn, then we refine, then we master.  It’s all a process.   Nice Box Jumping by Joel   Workout of the Day   “Death by Clean and Jerk” With a continuously running clock, do 1 clean and jerk...
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Monday August 6th will be the start of our new challenge. We will be doing 10, 000 swings in 30 days. The weight is up to you, treat you can even use different size kettle bells during this period. Single arm swings and double arm swings are allowed. If you will be taking part in the challenge or have other questions, mind please talk to Alison. There will be a board up in a few days to track your progress. For more info on a 10K swing challenge click here: Workout of the Day Strength/Skill Max Effort Monday Hang Squat Snatch Metcon 50 Burpee Box Jump and Overs 24/20
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  9am 12M AMRAP 1 Clean & Jerk 135/95 1 Round of Cindy – 5 pullups, nurse 10 pushups, sick 15 squats   10AM 10 Rounds 1 Clean & Jerk 1 Round of Cindy – 5 pullups, 10 pushups, 15 squats    
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Supplement Recommendations from Talk to Me Johnny.  It seems like every time this website is updated, # 40mg I link the article.  Maybe because it’s always awesome and worth your time.  This is Welbourn’s supplement program.  It’s simple, but extremely well thought out.   Please remember, proper nutrition creates the base of nearly every thing we do as humans.  You can’t supplement your way out of poor nutrition (Believe me, I used to try).     I have experimented with everything on the list and then some.  I can’t say I have the same discipline as John, though.  I am extremely consistent with my fish oil (which he doesn’t mention) and whey protein (I agree 100% on his grass fed views – fewest ingredients wins).  I am not nearly as consistent in my creatine and BCAA intake.  At CFO, Louis is very consistent with BCAAs and creatine, and he’s a...
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CrossFit Moxie in San Jose is throwing a team CrossFit Competition.  Chris Michelmore is the owner: he’s a great coach and a friend.  He has an opening for Team CFO, pill but we need to get our stuff together, and figure out which events we want to do.  Problems, huh?   The point of this post is Chris supplied an excellent list of skills that a CrossFit athlete needs to have to compete in the Advanced Division.  This is a great, but not comprehensive, list (I don’t see muscle ups).  I like how it’s not about 1RM’s, but places emphasis on muscular endurance.  The barbell numbers are really well done.  Print this list.  Put it in your training book.  If you have a movement, cross it off.  If not, keep working until you get it.  Don’t go trying to get ’em all in one day.  Don’t rush.  BUT if you...
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