CrossFit Moxie in San Jose is throwing a team CrossFit Competition. Chris Michelmore is the owner: he’s a great coach and a friend. He has an opening for Team CFO, pill but we need to get our stuff together, and figure out which events we want to do. Problems, huh? The point of this post is Chris supplied an excellent list of skills that a CrossFit athlete needs to have to compete in the Advanced Division. This is a great, but not comprehensive, list (I don’t see muscle ups). I like how it’s not about 1RM’s, but places emphasis on muscular endurance. The barbell numbers are really well done. Print this list. Put it in your training book. If you have a movement, cross it off. If not, keep working until you get it. Don’t go trying to get ’em all in one day. Don’t rush. BUT if you...
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