
CFO will be closed Saturday.  We’ll be throwing down at the Barbell for Boobs fundraiser/Grand Opening at CrossFit Parabellum.  The fundraiser is a Karen meets Grace partner WOD.  Even if you’re not participating, more about come out to Turlock if you can. You can sign up that day…they will even find you a partner.   Monday is Labor Day.  We’ll have our Saturday schedule – bring a friend WOD at 9am.  At 10am we’ll do a Team CFO WOD – this will be an excellent chance to bang out Proanox #2.  Whatever it may be…   Thoughts? Workout of the Day   2-4-6-8-10-8-6-4-2 of Pullup Burpee Box Jump 24/20
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40 Years of Insight, sales Part 1 by Dan John.  I am still waiting for Part 2.  Dan John is a strength training coach in the mold of Mark Rippetoe: smart, old school, no nonsense, committed and totally aware there is no substitute for hard work.  I hope I can be like Dan John when I grow up.  I have posted this article before, but I just re-read it, and I wanted to share.  Quick note: the photos from page 1 are from the 2009 CrossFit Games NorCal Regionals, which I competed in.  CrossFit, on the side of a mountain, in the mud and rain.  Aromas, baby! Please post your favorite insight to the Facebook page. Kat and Don have the spirit of teamwork in Tuesday night’s post WOD cash out. Workout of the Day Strength Back Squat 5 sets of 2, add 10# to last week (after a warm...
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Hand Tears from CrossFit New England.  I post on hand care fairly regularly, diagnosis maybe once every 2 months or so.  It seems appropriate on a day when we have 63 T2B on the whiteboard.  I, capsule like the author, # 40mg in a firm believer in the preventative wonders of the Ped Egg.  Unlike the author, I have never packer my hand tear in salt (although this is not the first time I’ve heard of this). My question for the group is: after a tear, what do you do with the sensitive skin.  I find a tear area, especially in the palm, can be sensitive and continue to crack for days.  What works best?  I’ve seen nu-skin, super glue, band aids with neosporin. Remember for hand care, the best defense is a good offense.  Take care of your calluses, keep your hands dry during the WOD, don’t let chalk...
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We lost a true American hero over the weekend.  Neil Armstrong died at the age of 82.  Armstrong was a part of NASA, visit this site and in turn, in one of the most exciting times in American history.  I have always been impressed by the great explorers: Lewis and Clark, Edmund Hillary, the great seafarers.  To see a vast expanse, or a great peak and say, “I want to go there.”   NASA holds a special place in my heart.  The mission these men undertook was so American.  It required guts, physicallity, boldness, intellect and most of all, teamwork.  I wasn’t alive during the Mercury, Gemini or Apollo missions, but I’ve read on them extensively.  The sense of mission these men and women took on, the drive for one common goal, that was so mind bogglingly high, is America at it’s best.   Hopefully, Neil Armstrong’s passing causes you...
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Master’s Competitors finished up the first WOD of the ProAnox Diamond of the Tough Competition. This competition is open only to Athletes ages 35 and up. The first WOD was 10 minutes to build to a heavy 3RM back squat, medicine Rest 3 minutes and then Cindy – 20 minutes of 5 pullups, side effects 10 pushups, cure and 15 squats. We all had a great time competing and will be leaderboarding for the next few days.  “Karabell” 10 Rounds For Time 3 Snatch 135/95 15 Wallball Shots
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