Success & Spirit

How to be Successful at the Gym from CrossFit Invictus.  I like this simple list.  For many of us, website like this consistency becomes the key to success (notice how they put it first).
Once you become consistent in your regimen, buy I find other things fall into place: nutrition, more about rest, mobility.  If you are being consistent, the community aspect will fall into place as well, as you will hopefully see the same faces as you put in the work together.
A quick note on the 6:30pm WOD Thursday night. If you haven’t read the above link, you should read that first. 6:30pm class was BEASTLY. Almost every single person, guys and gals alike were rocking pullups. It was great to watch. My shout out for the evening’s AWESOMENESS goes to Conney and Melissa. They follow all of the 5 tips in the above article. They are inaugural members and possibly the most consistent . They arrive at least 5 minutes early to foam roll or start warming up, then stay after to go for a run or work on a skill. In the time they have been with us, we have not only seen physical changes in them, but their ability level has gone through the roof. They know what their maxes are and are always ready to attack every WOD, scaled if need be. Tonight’s WOD with the Pullups and Burpee Box Jumps was no different. Melissa and Conney consistently got their chins over the bar…giving up was not an option for them. They stuck with it.
Thank you to Melissa and Conney for the spirit they bring to CrossFit Oakdale. It would not be the same place without you. We look forward to new skills that you will learn and PR’s to be set.

Workout of the Day
7 Rounds, each round performed every 2 minutes
20 Doubleunders
1 Snatch
The big clock will be running.  A round will start every 2 minutes.  You will have 40 seconds to perform 20 doubleunders, then 1 snatch.  Your score for each round is your highest lift.  Add your pounds for all 7 attempts, and that is your score.  You may adjust your weight as many times as you like.  As long as you do 20 DU, you may attempt the lift as many times as possible in the 40 seconds.  Missed lifts count as 0.
If you don’t have DU, do 8 DU attempts.  If you are brand new, do 20 singles.