
Ben Bergeron of CrossFit New England (the Games champs in 2011 and coach to several CrossFit athletes, pharmacy like Chris Spealler) tells you how to attack your goats. Power Steer by Michael Pollan Light at Night May Lead to Depression, more about Brain Functioning Problems from the Huffington Post Another from the camera of Breanne Ash Photography – Jen. Workout of the Day Strength Deadlft Heavy 5, add 10# to last weeks lift Metcon AMRAP 12 50 Double Unders 5 Strict Pullups 5 Ring Dips 50 DU 10 Strict Pullups 10 Ring Dips 50 DU 15 Strict Pullups 15 Ring Dips Keep going up…
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The 2013 CrossFit Games Open season has been announced!  On March 6, information pills CrossFit will announce the first WOD mid-week, prescription and the WOD must be completed by Sunday afternoon.  Many of you took place in the Open last year and I hope even more of you take part this year.  We will do the WODs every Saturday morning as a gym, but after they are announced mid-week, we’ll be talking about a lot about the movements being testes, how to break down the WODs and how to maximize your score. My goal is to qualify a team for the Nor Cal regionals.  The way the Open is scored, they take the 3 best men’s scores and the 3 best women’s scores.  The athletes can change every week, it doesn’t matter who scores well, as long as you score well.  To accomplish this, we’ll need to be on our...
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The Fran-Off is in the books!  It was an exhilarating day at CrossFit Oakdale: we had CrossFit Games Competitors, cheap Top Regional athletes, this a former NFL player, information pills former collegiate athletes and a bunch of enthusiastic, fit people.  The gym was packed, the energy was great, and the athletes didn’t disappoint.   I will admit, I was both excited and nervous about the 16 team bracket that Alison and I had put together.  We knew that if things worked out, the day would flow really well, but it would test the athletes.  In the end, the format provided drama, energy and a great test for some of the best athletes in Northern California.   Nick and Dustin Pappas earned first place, winning all their matchup and posting the fastest partner Fran of the day in the final heat with an absolutely blazing 1:42!  Valerie Calhoun and Jennie McKernan...
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The Fran Off is tomorrow!  We have 16 teams ready tho throwdown head to head in a bracket-style tournament.  We’re excited to see everyone.  Registration is at 8am, ambulance heats start at 9am. December 1 is also CrossFit Oakdale’s 1 year anniversary.  It has been an action packed first year!  We have met so many great people, story and we are honored to be part of a growing community.  Many of you have braved the heat, the cold, crowded classes, broken bones, field trips, rhabdo, painting parties, bunco, weird smells, empty classes, marijuana farms, even pitch black WODs (Gloria, Chance and Lou should know what I’m talking about).  Everyday, you brought a great attitude and put forth the effort that makes CrossFit so much fun.  We’ve had so much support and help from so many of you, we’re constantly humbled.  We’re all in this together, and we can’t wait to...
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The Fran-Off is Saturday!  There will not be any CrossFit classes, information pills but come out and cheer on CrossFit Oakdale athletes as they battle it out with some of Northern California’s best CrossFit athletes.  Registration starts at 8 and the first heats will kick off at 9am.   The Top 9 Most Important Foods to Buy Organic from Mark’s Daily Apple.  I’m not a Paleo wonk, see but this is a logical list of foods that you should buy organic if you can. Workout of the Day   Strength High Bar Back Squat Build to a heavy triple   Metcon 3 RFT 15 Power Cleans 135/95 50 Double Unders
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