A "Franniversary" to Remember

The Fran-Off is in the books!  It was an exhilarating day at CrossFit Oakdale: we had CrossFit Games Competitors, cheap Top Regional athletes, this a former NFL player, information pills former collegiate athletes and a bunch of enthusiastic, fit people.  The gym was packed, the energy was great, and the athletes didn’t disappoint.
I will admit, I was both excited and nervous about the 16 team bracket that Alison and I had put together.  We knew that if things worked out, the day would flow really well, but it would test the athletes.  In the end, the format provided drama, energy and a great test for some of the best athletes in Northern California.
Nick and Dustin Pappas earned first place, winning all their matchup and posting the fastest partner Fran of the day in the final heat with an absolutely blazing 1:42!  Valerie Calhoun and Jennie McKernan from Rockilin CrossFit were barely edged out by the Pappas brothers and took second place.  The intensity and speed in the final heat was absolutely awesome, and it literally came down the final pull-up!  I’ve watched the video a few times, and it still gives me chills.
Chad Augustin and Gary Baron took third place over Nick and AJ Zambruno.  To take third, Gary and Chad (and Nick and AJ) performed partner Fran 6 TIMES(!!!) over a 3 hour period.  This effort holds a special place in my heart: as a wrestler, I was always competing in bracket tournaments.  I was good, but never good enough to make the finals.  I was always fighting back through the consolation bracket.  Like Gary and Chad and Nick and AJ, it was a fight for your life to even make that final match.  These guys displayed guts to fight back all morning!
We saw amazing teamwork and tenacity throughout the day.  I love watching the teamwork, seeing how teams broke up the work, watching and learning from other athletes.
Mike Ash and Jonathan Woodward took home the “Spirit of the Fran Off” award.  Jonathan stepped in as a last minute replacement, and I’m glad he did!  Mike has been doing CrossFit awhile, but it was exciting to see him train for this event, it was like a fire was lit under him.  The “Stormin’ Mormons” laid down a 2:27 partner Fran!  Watching Mike over the last 2 months reminded me why I believe in the competition side of this fitness movement – the nerves, the excitement, the goal of wanting to do well and meet, no, exceed expectations is what the sport of fitness is all about!  Mike and Jonathan displayed it, but so did all of our teams.
All CrossFit Oakdale athletes performed great, please make sure you offer your congratulations as you see them this week: Nick, Jen and Justin E, Louis and Rita, Denny and Paul, Joel B and Zack B, Kirk and Alexis, Janet and Christine, Bill and his partner Seth, along with Mike and Jon showed what Team CFO is all about: working hard the right way and having fun!
Thanks to all our donors : Trigger Point Performance, SOAK Fitness, Rock Tape, Gun Accessory Supply (Oakdale) , House of Beef (Oakdale) and Pin-Ups. They were all extremely generous.
Thanks to all our judges – Bob & Tricia, Amanda, Adele and Emmaline. Kat and Gloria did a fantastic job with the food and Ashly tackled the gigantic cake (made by Team Cupcake), Robin helped with registration and pictures. Thanks also to the kids who helped out – Hannah, Kate and Finn.
Thanks to Breanne Ash Photography for the pictures that we got a sneak peek of. I hope everyone signed up with their email address because you are going to want these pictures!  Seriously, we’ve seen some previews, and they are amazing!
Thanks to all our members that supported the event, but more importantly support each other everyday.  You make CrossFit Oakdale the fun, positive place that it is.
Workout of the Day
Max Effort Monday
Hang Snatch Double
Hang Power Snatch 95/65
There is a 12 minute cap

2 Responses
  1. Ericlee Gilmore

    So sorry to miss this event. Anytime you do teams, the energy is so much higher. Congrats for your one year anniversary. Lets plan next year so we can have our events on different weekends.
    Hope to see you in February for the Valentine Challenge.