
Just another normal Saturday. I am sure everyone is looking forward to that after parties and holidays. Monday we will only be having a 9am class. Tuesday, mind New Year’s Day, buy more about class will be held at noon with an advanced workout after that. Looking forward to celebrating another year at CrossFit Oakdale! Workout of the Day 9am Bring A Friend Cleans will be a component of the WOD. 10am Advanced 21-15-9 Clean 165/105 HSPU
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Radiolab – The Dark Side of the Earth.  If you listen to a more exciting piece of anything before 2012 is out, ed let me know what it is.  20 minutes of riveting radio.   Workout of the Day   Strength Front Squat 3-3-3 Have a plan, illness know how you are going to build.  We want to see 3 heavy sets of 3 at the same weight.   Metcon Ladder Up 8 2 Toes to Bar 2 Pistols (Alternating) 4 T2B 4 Pistols 6 T2B 6 Pistols etc, keep going up by 2’s
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I was talking this morning about a pull up progression, approved Recon Ron has a good one.  I’ve posted this link before, but this progression works for so many movements – pullups of any type, pushups, HSPU, and more.  If you are looking to improve your goats, progressions such as this one are an excellent way to work them quickly and easily on the side. Please let me know if you plan on using this, I would like to track it.  If you feel you are advanced, feel free to jump ahead, but I wouldn’t jump ahead of step 12 or so. A note to good exercisers – you are not “too fit” for this progression.  Can you complete this with muscle ups, or pullups/dips with a 45# vest?  Probably not.  If this seems like a good investment of your time, think about it. Vanessa Workout of the Day  ...
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CrossFit Oakdale will be back to a normal schedule for the rest of the week. That means 5:30am, order 9am, # dosage 4:30pm, 5:30pm and 6:30pm on Wednesday.  We hope you had a Merry Christmas! Workout of the Day Strength Deadlift Heavy 5, add 10# from last week Metcon 10-8-6-4-2 Chest to Bar Pullups Inverted Burpees
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Just one WOD on Christmas Eve at 9am. We’ll start with a quick AMRAP, pill and depending on attendance, buy there may be more fun to come… WORKOUT OF THE DAY AMRAP 7 7 Deadlift 225/155 7 Bar Facing Burpees
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