Tomorrow I will be putting out the 2013 Goal Sheets. Please take one and fill it out. Let’s start a new year with some ideas in mind of where we want to be heading. There is a section for goals related to CrossFit/Fitness and also a personal section. Personal goals are just as important as your fitness related ones. Over the past few months (ok this year) I haven gotten bogged down with things and have cut out something really important in my life. At the end of my day for the past 8 months I have hid under the covers and played on my iPhone. Yes I have read all of the articles that say the best rest comes when there is no tv/iPhone/Kindle/video games/any technological devices at all. But give me an iPhone and a zombie killing game and I am soon drifting off to sleep.
By doing this, what is ed I have missed out on one of my favorite things. Reading. My family is full of readers. My parents, # my husband, my kids…there are books EVERYWHERE. I haven’t really turned the pages of any of them in a long time. I got a few new books for Christmas and my personal goal is a book a week for shorter ones/2 weeks for longer ones. I even picked up a book light to read in the dark. Personal goal set!
As for my CrossFit Goal, a muscle up is always in the back of my mind. But for right now I would like to get a solid 100# squat snatch (my weakest movement).
Goals and goats may go hand in hand, but don’t have to. I will also be listing my goats on the back of my goals sheet. Goals sheets should be put in the cover of your binder as a quick reminder to yourself each and every time you mark down your WOD.
Monday 12/31/12 9AM ONLY
Tuesday, New Year’s Day, WOD will be at noon with an advanced class to follow.
Workout of the Day
Team WOD – 20m AMRAP
Kettlebell Swings 53/35
Med Ball Cleans 20/14
Once person will be at each station, with the 4th person being a runner. There will be a running count for each station. Once the runner returns The KB swinger will go run, Pushups go to Kettlebell, Med Ball Clean to Pushups and Runner starts on the med ball cleans. You will let the person advancing to your station know what number you left off on and they will pick it up from there.