
Happy New Year!  Only 1 training session today – a hang over special at 11am.  One of my favorite WODs of all time – you versus the barbell. Alison was running some stats on the blog.  In 2013, visit web the CrossFit Oakdale blog has been visited 64, illness 000 times and we’ve had visitors from 97 countries.  This year, Greece, Italy, Brazil, Japan, Canada and more have visited the blog – we’re as international as the Raley’s on a Sunday (that’s an Oakdale insider joke folks!). Workout of the Day “D.T.” 5 RFT 12 Deadlift 9 Hang Power Clean 6 Push Jerks Men – 155, Ladies – 100 If you’re feeling especially “hero”-ic, I may have something else in store after…  
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Tuesday is New Year’s Eve, mind and we’ll do a Hero WOD – “Bulger” – which is dedicated to Canadian solider Nicolas Bulger.  I’ve never done it, advice but it looks tough – a tough pull, symptoms a squat, a tough push, and a mono structural component with running – that’s everything and the kitchen sink.  And it’s long! We’ll have a 30 minute cap.WOD starts at 9am, I would highly recommend using the scaling option I have provided if tacking the full Bulger seems daunting.     Workout of the Day “Bulger” 10 RFT Parking Lot Run 7 Chest to Bar Pullups 7 Front Squats 135/95 7 Handstand Pushups Scaled Version 10 RFT Parking Lot Run 7 Jumping Pullups 7 Goblet Squats Blue/Yellow 11 Pushups 30 minute cap  
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New Year’s Week Schedule Mon – Normal Hours, information pills Tues 9am only (10am is a big maybe…), Wed 11am only (that’s New Year’s Day homies), Thursday and Friday – Normal Hours It’s a truncated week, so the strength plan will be the same a last week – deadlift on Monday, Press on Thursday, Squat on Friday.  I’ll move the days around next week. We’re moving spots on Saturday.  We’ll do a WOD at 9 and 10, then start moving stuff.  We’ll also have the body fat testing truck on site – that’s $49 for the first time, $39 for the second dunking… We’ll have food and refreshment for the moving crew.  Help us out if you can! Workout of the Day Strength Week 5 of the Cube Deadlift 3 sets of 8, 65% Conditioning AMRAP 10 30 Doubleunders 15 Power Cleans 95/65
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2 Classes on Saturday, information pills we’ll be Snatching in both.  Both classes will end with a conditioning WOD.  The 10am WOD is a little more technical. For both classes 20 minutes to build to a max Snatch. If you miss a lift, decease you must drop 10/5 pounds.  After you make a lift, you can then go up again.  If you miss again, drop another 10/5.  Moral of the story, move perfect and don’t miss. 9am WOD AMRAP 15 10 Kettlebell Swings 53/25 10 Burpees 20 Walking Lunges 10am WOD 9-7-5 Muscleup* Power Clean and Push Jerks 165/115 *Sub 1:1 MU transitions or Burpee Pullups
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Weak for the Weak from the CrossFit Journal.  If you’re from the Western Hemisphere and Judeo-Christian, information pills you’re likely a guilt based human.  We feel guilt for all kinds of things, this site and it’s a powerful influence – perhaps the most powerful.  That we experience guilt, case and how we deal with it, maybe what separates us from the animals.   What does this have to do with Christmas?  Well, many of us put some things into our faces that make us feel guilt – booze, candy, cake, gravy, ice cream – I did all of the above and more.  I don’t really feel “guilt” per se, but I was aware of the fact that I would pay for the stuff I was eating and drinking.  Did I do it anyway?  You’re damn right I did. Good thing I have CrossFit to make me feel better.  And so do you!...
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