
The Subway Deception.  Lots of chest beating here, store but we should be aware of the addicitves in food, dosage even the “healthy” alternatives. Workout of the Day Strength Back Squat, 1 set of 8, 80% of 1RM Take 10-15 minutes to warm up for this lift.  Use sets of 5 early and 3s as the weight gets heavy.  Only make 1 big attempt at your set of 8.  What’s you 8RM??? Let’s ring that bell! Conditioning  AMRAP 7 1 Wall Climb 1 Front Squat 165/105 1 Wall Climb 2 Front Squat 165/105 1 Wall Climb 3 Front Squat 165/105 1 Wall Climb 4 Front Squat 165/105 1 Wall Climb 5 Front Squat 165/105… Keep FS going up by 1 until the 7 minutes is up
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Right now, online we are in week 8 of the Cube.  Next week will be week 9, link the final week of the progressive build for the deadlift, thumb the shoulder press and the back squat.  In week 10, we will test the lifts.  We will test the Deadlift on Monday (2/3), Press on Wednesday (2/5) and Squat on Friday (2/7). If you’ve been dedicated to getting you lifts in, treat these days as events.  Plan your warm up, get psyched and be part of the energy at the gym in the lifting sessions. If you miss any of these sessions, I would highly suggest making it up. You’ve earned the opportunity to test how much strength you’ve gained. Workout of the Day Strength/Skill OTM for 7 3 Cleans, Touch and Go, no more than 60% of 1RM Clean. Work on cycling the barbell.  Use the rest of the minute...
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Wednesday’s WOD is one that I made up, website like this but it’s a mix of 2 Open WODs (11.2 and 12.3).  It’s a high rep box jump WOD, cost so warm up your legs well. Have a plan for this WOD.  My plan looks like this – jump up and step down every time, visit web do pushups in big chunks, sets of 12 if possible, but 9 and 3 will work well and go unbroken on the Toes to Bar.  Your plan may look a little different, but I would recommend being a little conservative, especially early.  This is not a go out with guns a-blazing and your hair on fire WOD.  I would suggest starting at 85% of RPE (Rate of Perceived Exertion).  You should feel fresh through early rounds, like you could go faster, but by round 4 or 5 you will feel like you are working. ...
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The CrossFit Games site is up and running.  I’ve registered a team for CrossFit Oakdale, check so make sure you sign up as CrossFit Oakdale as an Affiliate and as a Team. It’s $20 bucks and it’s a great event to test you fitness against everyone in the world (that exercises competitively at least). For a CrossFitter, buy more about this is OUR SEASON.  Come together, work hard, support each and get sweaty. This year’s motto: ARTE ET LABORE.  Look it up. [youtube=] “Blocking” for efficient burpees. Smart. Workout of the Day Strength Shoulder Press, 5 sets of 2, 90% of 1RM Take 10-15 minutes to warm up.  If this weight feels heavy, which it may, us the 95% 1RM rule Conditioning AMRAP 5 5 Left arm dumbbell thrusters 45/35 5 Right arm dumbbell thrusters 45/35 5 Burpees Rest 5 minutes, then repeat the AMRAP 5.  10 total minutes of...
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2014 CFO Paleo/Zone Nutrition Challenge $30 Buy In Fee Measurements taken: arm, thumb chest, health waist, pill hips (ladies), thigh Photographs: Front, Back and Side-sports bra/fitted tank top and shorts for ladies, shorts for men. You must wear the EXACT same outfit for the next time. Final Measurements Saturday March 1st after 9am class.  Baseline WOD Date: Saturday February 1st, 2014 9am Final WOD Date: Saturday March 1st, 2014 9am Baseline WOD 15 Minutes 5 Minutes to establish a 2 RM (touch and go) Clean 10 Minute AMRAP  10 pushups 15 Kettlebell Swings 53/35 20 Air squats  Weekly Challenges: (+10 points for each completed task) 1 week menu plan due February 3rd Set a Goal: 10 unbroken pushups? 20 unbroken DU? Goal sheet due  Monday February 10th Physical Challenge : Your physical goal is due February 24th. Can be video taped and submitted, or just watched/validated by a coach, Brian...
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