You are what you eat. Do you know who you are?

The Subway Deception.  Lots of chest beating here, store but we should be aware of the addicitves in food, dosage even the “healthy” alternatives.
Workout of the Day
Back Squat, 1 set of 8, 80% of 1RM
Take 10-15 minutes to warm up for this lift.  Use sets of 5 early and 3s as the weight gets heavy.  Only make 1 big attempt at your set of 8.  What’s you 8RM??? Let’s ring that bell!
1 Wall Climb
1 Front Squat 165/105
1 Wall Climb
2 Front Squat 165/105
1 Wall Climb
3 Front Squat 165/105
1 Wall Climb
4 Front Squat 165/105
1 Wall Climb
5 Front Squat 165/105…
Keep FS going up by 1 until the 7 minutes is up