Cubes and Blocks

Right now, online we are in week 8 of the Cube.  Next week will be week 9, link the final week of the progressive build for the deadlift, thumb the shoulder press and the back squat.  In week 10, we will test the lifts.  We will test the Deadlift on Monday (2/3), Press on Wednesday (2/5) and Squat on Friday (2/7).
If you’ve been dedicated to getting you lifts in, treat these days as events.  Plan your warm up, get psyched and be part of the energy at the gym in the lifting sessions.
If you miss any of these sessions, I would highly suggest making it up. You’ve earned the opportunity to test how much strength you’ve gained.

If you missed the Paleo/ Zone Diet Challenge Meeting, you can still sign  up. Let us know if you have any questions or would like the info packet.
If you missed the Paleo/ Zone Diet Challenge Meeting, you can still sign up. Let us know if you have any questions or would like the info packet. (image taken from Mustang CrossFit)

Workout of the Day
OTM for 7
3 Cleans, Touch and Go, no more than 60% of 1RM Clean.
Work on cycling the barbell.  Use the rest of the minute to rest.
With a 10 minute cap
Run TL Davis Loop
100 Doubleunders
30 Power Cleans 155/100